Chapter 4 Flashcards
Traditional IRAs
Lesser of 5,500 or 6,500 or 100% earned income. Tax Deductible
Tax Deferred
All withdrawals are fully taxable
Income for IRAs
Wages, Salaries, Tips Commissions Self Employment Alimony Nontaxable Combat Pay
Not income for IRAs
Capital Gains Interest or Dividend Income Pensionor Annuity Income Child Support Income from DPPs
Non deductible
After Tax Contributions
Tax Deferred
Earnings tax free after 5 years Provided that
a) older than 59 1/2
b) money withdrawn and is used for the fist time home purchase $10,000
c) disabled or died
d) higher education expenses
e)money is used to pay medical expenses or insurance premium. Unlike Traditional IRA’s subject to cannot contribute if AGI is above certain limits. For singles it’s $105 and gradually phases between 105 and 120. For married taxpayers it’s 166, and phases out between 166 and 176.
Self Employed and Corporations - may conntribute 25% or 51,000 whichever is less.
Tax Deductible
Not withdrawn before 59 1/2
Must withdraw by 70 1/2
Substantially Equal Periodic Payment Exception under IRS rule
If you receive IRA payments at least annually based on your life expectancy (or joint life expectancies of you and beneficiary), the withdrawals are not subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty.
Nondeductible Capital Withdrawals
IRA investors who contribute after tax dollars to an IRA are not taxed on those funds when they are withdrawn from the account, but taxpayers are taxed at the ordinary income tax rate when they withdraw funds resulting from investment gains or income.
Coverdell ESA
After Tax Contributions
Contributions in cash only until age 18 unless special needs beneficiary.
Accumulate Tax Deferred
Earnings excluded from income if used for qualifying expenses. Otherwise taxes and 10% penalthy. Must be used buy age 30. Transferred or subject to tax and penalty.
Other Changes provided by EGRRA 2001
Catch up contributions
Special Needs
Extending the period for corrective withdrawals
Allowing Coverdell ESA contributions, for any year to be made up to April 15 of the following year.
IRA Contributions
Deductibility of an individual’s contribution is reduced or eliminated if he participates in an employer-sponsored retirement plan and earns more than a specified amount.
Ineligible Investments IRA
Collectibles, Antiques, Gems, Rare Coins, works of art, Stamps. Life Insurance. Tax Free municipal bonds and funds and UITs are too low and taxed at distribution.
Term Insurance
Whole Life Insurance
Ineligible Investment Practices
Margin Trading
Speculative Options
Short Sales
Rollovers by NonSpouse Beneficiaries of certain Retirement Plan Distributions
Pension Protection Act.
Allows nonspouse beneficiaries to roll over qualified retirment plan distributions to an inherited IRA. Must be trustee to trustee. Must be set up as inherited IRA, with minimum distributions taken under the rules that apply to beneficiaries. I
Direct Rollovers from Retirement Plans to Roth IRAs.
Allows rollovers from qualified retirement plans directly to Roth IRA’s, providing the client meets the requirements for converting a traditional IRA to a roth IRA.
Report entire amount as income in year of conversion
Have 100,000 or less not counting amount converted in AGI.
Self Employed and Small Business Owners. Employers can contribute.
Employee must be at least 21, have received at least 550 in compensation from employer
25% or 51,000 whichever his lower. Employer must contribute the same percentage for each employee as well as the employer.
Fully vested immediately
Tax Deductible for Employers. Tax deferred, and fully taxable upon withdrawal to beneficiary.
Section 529 Plans
Remain under Control of the Donor.
Subject to 10% penalty if not used for qualifying expenses.
Only college -
Offering Circular MSRB
Keogh (HR-10) Plans
Self Employed or unincorporated owner employee.
25% or 51,000 whichever is less. May also maintain an IRA and must be covered by same percentage as the owner in order for the plan to be nondiscriminatory. Only earnings from self-employment are applicable
Tax deductible and nontax deductible contributions.
1000 hours
1 year of employment
21 years old.
403 (B) Plans
Tax Deferred retirement plans for employees of public school systems and tax exempt, non-profit organizations such as churches and charitable institutions. Qualified employees may exclude their taxable incomes provided they do not exceed limits. Qualified annuity plans under section 403 (b). Contributions occur from salary reduction and are excluded from participant’s gross income.
Participant’s earnings also accumulate tax free until distribution.
403 (b) Plan Requirements
The Plan must be in writing and must be made through a plan instrument, a trust agreement, or both.
The employer must remit plan contributions to an annuity contract, a mutual fund, or another approved vehicle.
Contribution Limits (403-b)
17,500 salary reduction or
Employer Contributions of the lessor of 100% of participant’s earned income or 51,000. Fully taxable at withdrawal. Once distributions begin, they must be paid annually by December 31 of each year following the initial distribution.
Corporate Sponsored Retirement Plans
Qualifies under Special Tax Treatment under Section 401. Qualified plans must comply with ERISA. ERISA regulates establishment and management of corporate pension or retirement plans, also known as private sector plans. All corporate pension and profit sharing plans must be established under a trust agreement
ERISA guidelines
- Eligibility
- Funding
- Vesting
- Communication
- Nondiscrimination
If a company offers a retirement plan, all employees must be covered if they are 21 and older, have one year of service, and work 1000 hours per year.
Funds contributed to the plan must be segregated from other corporate assets. The plan’s trustees have a fiduciary responsibilit to invest prudently and manage funds.