Chapter 36 and Chapter 37 Flashcards
Betty Freidan published ____
The Feminist Mystique which launched women to go against the boredom of being a housewife.
Eisenhower runs against …
Aldai E Stevenson (some referred to as “Aldai the Appeaser”
Nixon was faced with accusations over illegal donations but escaped with this broadcasted on tv
The Checkers Speech
Joseph McCarty was a ____ from ____
Republican and Governor of Wisconsin
Joseph McCarty accused Secretary of State ____
Dean Acheson in 1950 of hiring 205 Communists but realized there were only 57 later…
McCarty and McCartyism
set the atmosphere for fear and suspicion, as America grew to be more suspicious of its government
Gunnar Myrdal published
An American Dilemma - contrasted American creed to the treatment of blacks
Sweatt v Painter
challenged the separate but equal clause
Rosa Parks was involved in the …
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Warren Court in Brown v. Bard of Education
segregation was inherently inequal and non-constitutional - reversed Plessy v Ferguson
Declaration of Constituional Principles
in 1956 pledging states’ resistance to desegregation
Orval Faubus
Governor of Arkansas; sent National Guard when black children tried to enroll in a whites high school
Operation Dixie
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) attempt to unify the textile and steel workers - didn’t work because of racial mixing
Taft Hartley Act
All jurisdictional conflicts were to be resolved by the unions themselves, people must take a non-communist oath, outlawed the close (all union) shop, slowed growth of organized labor
Employment Act of 1946
government was to promote maximum employment, established the Council of Economic Advisors
GI Bill
made provisions for sending soldiers back to school; Veteran’s administration got money to give out in loans to farmers to buy houses, businesses, etc
Factors that led to America’s economic prosperity
cheap energy control of Middle East, advanced computing technology, better education
Sun belt frost belt
sun belt - 15 states in the southeast and southwest (it’s smiling)
frost belt - 35 states in the northeast; rust belt ohio valley area
Levittown builders
builders who built several thousand houses on a single project; uniform and monotonous but efficient
baby boom
a huge raise in the population following the end of World War II
Yalta Conference 1945
Final plans laid between FDR, Stalin and Churchill and German lines; Stalin agrees to set up representative government in Poland; bulgaria romania were to have free elections; more of a test of reactions than anything else
Bretton Woods Conference
established IMF - regulated currency exchange rates to increase world trade, established World Bank to help the underdeveloped, and established GATT General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade to remove international trade barriers
United Nations
worked to arbitrate international disputes, improve standards of living worldwide, and encourage land decolonization in Asia and Africa; designed to prevent another great-power war, provided that no member of the Security Council dominated by the Big Five Powers (US Britain, China, USSR, France) could have action taken against it without its consent and a general assembly which featured smaller countries; created Israel, WHO, UNESCO
Nuremburg War Trials
Tried some of the top nazi leaders for war crimes
Soviets in 1948 tried to starve West Germany by ____
cutting off railway and trains; resulted in the Berlin Airlift until May 1949
George F Kennan
coined the term containment and believed that the Russians were expansionary and only containment could stop them
Truman Doctrine
created mainly in response to Greece and Turkey risking falling to communism, if a country of free people is threatened by outside pressure US can intervene
Reinhold Niebuhr
coined the light children and the dark children (US and Hitler Stalin)
Marshall Plan 1947
Allowed countries aid if they accepted outside control and political reform - USSR rejects offer
Israel is created
May 14th 1948
National Security Act
created the Department of Defense and established the National Security council to advise the president and CIA
Selective Service System
19-25 year range draft
formed April 4th 1949 an attack on one is an attack on all
General Douglas MacArthur
led the Pacific campaign, in charge of Japanese re-construction, eventually heads the invasion of Korea
Loyalty Review Board
Established by Truman, investigated alleged communists holding government jobs
McCarran Internal Security Bill
1950 Truman vetos: which allowed people to arrest and detain supsicious people in internal secuity emergencies
Republican Candidate 1948
Thomas E. Dewey
Point four
fourth pt from truman inaugural address - gave money to underprivileged from becoming communists instead of having them become Communist and then forcing to shoot them thereafter; also launched Fair Deal
NSC 68
Allowed US to quadruple defense spending; overreaction towards Korea but step in rearming the US
USSR absence from UN Security Council on June 25th 1950
Truman makes North Korea an aggressor and render assistance from UN members to restore peace
General Douglas MacArthur in Japan is ordered to attack and take back land and the Korean War ensues
White collared workers outnumbered blue collared workers in 1956
Blue collared worker- laborers white collared workers- paid salaries usually in service (again more women)
Betty Friedan
wrote Feminine Mystique which challenged the traditional cult of domesticity of women as housewives at the time
McCarty finally attacked the ____ and the army fought back in 35 days of televised hearings in 1954
US Army
Emmett Till
lynched by a mississippi mob for leering a white woman
Paul Robeson Josephine Baker
traveled around the world saying how bad jim crow laws mader america and how communism was somewhat better
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
MLK attempts to mobilize the Christian Churches
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
extension of the Sit In Movement in which students protested for equal rights
Eisenhower’s philosophy
Dynamic conservatism
Operation Wetback
ended the braceros program and sent 1 million Mexicans back to Mexico
Federal Highway Act of 1956
created over 42,000 miles of new highway
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles promised not to stem the red tide but to roll back its gains and liberate the captive - balance the budget too by cutting spending
look more up on this guy ; suggested SAC have superbombers instead of an army
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam’s leader, originally wanted self determination after WWI, after WWII became communist and held off french in Indochina War; Vietnam separated by 17th parallel
US instantiates Shah Pahlevi
as shah of Iran to get their share of oil
Eisenhower Doctrine in 1957
pledged US military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations threatened by communist agresion
Irq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwai, and Iran joined in Venezuela in 1960 to form the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coutnries
Irq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwai, and Iran
spirt of Camp David
progress twoards peace with Eisenhower and Kruschev but ruined by U2 Incident
Fidel Castro
Dictator of cuba takes over in 1959 and makes friends with Kruschev
Kennedy referred his proposed organization as
the New Frontier
St Lawrence Waterway
industrialized the Great Lakes by making it have more ports