Chapter 36-39 Flashcards
What are Offreds feelings about being asked to dress up by the commander
Something attractive about the idea
Freedom like everything else is relative
Men and brothel
What do you think of our little club?
Unison between men - why they’re so powerful
Aunts and brothel
Know what they call this place, among themselves? Jezebel’s. The aunts figure were all damned anyway
Freedom incthe system
What does Jezebel mean
According to Hebrew Bible
Jezebel invited her husband to abandon worship of Yahweh and encourage worship of the deities Baal and Ashehrah instead
Jezebel become associated with false profitable
In some interpretations her dressing in finery and putting makeup led to use of cosmetics with painted women or prostitutes
Carpet ‘browny pink’
Paljtsband natureb
Plants and tree sprouts
Women- costumes, professions, statues etc
Women- sociologist lawyers
Feathers and glitter
Gezebels atmosphere
‘Cheefulness..but have they chosencit
Jezebel men’s behaviour
‘Takes my hand and kisses it
They review my breasts, my legs Jezebel
Commanders attitude
Just act natural
Grip tightens on my upper arm
It solves a lot of problems
He is showing me off
Offred reaction
Keep your mouth shut and don’t look stupid
Secretly like the idea
I haven’t had a drink in years
Moira escape
Significance of how Offred tells the story
I’ve tried to make it sound as much like her as I can
It’s a way of keeping her alive
I left the old hag
Scared the shit out of me
Prostitute or colonies
Offreds feeling
Memories of Luke
Luke bullied the superintendent into opening up the apartment
Memories of her mum
She breezed in and out of my house as if I were the mother
She was always so healthy
Offreds own appearance
Mascara had smudged again
Squibs have come on
Lipstick has bled
Description of commanders appearance and behaviour
Tommorow isn’t it
He’s stroking my body now
Without his uniform he looks smaller
I must be back at the house before midnight; otherwise I’ll turn into a pumpkin, or was that the coach
Not fairy tale