Chapter 35 - Plant Structure, Growth, and Development Flashcards
Redwood is a…
gymnosperm (seeds on cones)
A flowering plant is a…
angiosperm (seeds in fruits)
Plants absorb water and minerals through…
Plants absorb the sun’s energy and carbon dioxide through…
shoots (stem and leaves).
What are the plant roots’ functions?
- anchor plant
- store food
- absorb water and minerals
What are the plant shoots’ functions?
- provide support
- carry out photosynthesis
Modifications are _____ for plants.
Root Modifications
- store food
- large taproots store starches
Stem Modifications
(1) stolon = asexual reproduction
(2) rhizomes = storage, asexual reproduction
(3) tubers = storage, asexual reproduction
(4) cactus stem = water storage, photosynthesis
Leaf Modifications
- protection (like cactus spine)
- climbing (pea plant tendril - coily, climb up support)
What three tissues make up the plant body?
(1) dermal = outer protective covering
(2) vascular = support / long distance transport
(3) ground = bulk of plant body / food production / storage / support
tightly packed layer of cells (dermal)
waxy layer that reduces water loss (dermal)
provides support that conducts water and nutrients upward from the root (vascular)
forms food conducting tissue / carries food (vascular)
soft, spongy central cylinder (ground)
outer region of organ or structure (ground)
leaf ground tissue
How are plants distinguished from animals?
- chloroplasts used for photosynthesis
- fluid filled vacuole
- cell wall of cellulose
What are the layers of a cell wall?
(1) primary cell wall = outermost layer
(2) secondary cell wall = tough layer inside
Middle Lamella
sticky layer between that connects
openings that allow cells to communicate / exchange materials easily
What are the 5 main types of plant cells?
- Parenchyma cells
– Collenchyma cells
– Sclerenchyma cells
– Water-conducting cells
– Food-conducting cells
Parenchyma Cells
- most abundant - thin primary cell wall - no secondary cell wall - alive - photosynthesis, food and water storage