Active population
Those in work or actively seeking work; also known as the labour force
Activity rate or participation rate
The number of those in work or unemployed divided by the population of working age expressed as a percentage
Cyclical or demand-deficient unemployment
There is insufficient demand in the economy for all works who wish to work at current wage rates to obtain a job
The number of people in paid work
Workers employed by another individual or a firm
Those in paid work
Employment rate
The number of those in work divided by the population of working age expressed as a percentage
Frictional unemployment
When workers are unemployed for short lengths of time between jobs
Full-time workers
Workers who work hours and the days which are the norm for a particular jab.
Hidden employment
Partly those in the population who would take a job if offered, but are not in work and are not currently seeking work; and partly those who are underemployed
The number of those not in work and not unemployed
Inactivity rate
The number of those not in work and not unemployed divided by the population of working age expressed as a percentage
Labour force
Those in work or actively seeking work; also known as the active population
Long-term unemployed
In the UK, those unemployed for more than one year
Part time workers
Workers who only work a fraction of the hours and the days which are the norm for a particular job