Chapter 33: Agency Formation and Duties Flashcards
elements of an agency
a consensual fiduciary relationship in which one party, an agent, agrees to act on behalf of, and subject to the control of, the other party, the principal
3 elements present in creating an agency
- appointment of the agent by the principal
- acceptance by appointment by agent
- understanding that agent is subject to principal’s control
4 requirements for creation of a contract
- mutual manifestation of assent
- valid consideration
- capacity
- legality
3 ways to create an agency
agreement, ratification, or estoppel
appointment, acceptance, understanding of control (by consent)
the principal’s confirmation of an agent’s unauthorized act after the fact
estoppel (apparent authority)
a person who misleads a third party to rely on an agency relationship, cannot later deny that relationship
employee-employer relationship (master-servant relationship)
a person hired by another whose physical conduct is subject to control by the hiring party; may or may not be agent for the purpose of contracting
independent contractor-employer relationship
hired by another, not subject to detailed physical control; may or may not be agent for the purpose of contracting
principal-agent relationship
parties have agreed that agent will have power to bind principal in contract
5 duties of an agent
- performance
- loyalty
- accounting
- notification
- obedience
duty of performance
duty to use reasonable care
duty of loyalty
duty to put principal’s interests first
duty of accounting
duty to provide principal with records of the proper use of all money or property of the principal that came into the agent’s possession or control
duty of notification
duty to inform the principal of all relevant information the agent receives
duty of obedience
duty to fulfill lawful requests of the principal
4 remedies of principal for breach of duty
- constructive trust
- contract avoidance
- indemnification
- accounting
constructive trust
all property of the principal or improper profits of the agent, and the income obtained, are held as if in trust for the principal
contract avoidance
the principal may cancel all contracts with the agent relevant to the agency
the agent owes the principal the amount of any damages paid to a third party as a result of the agents breach of duty
accounting (remedy)
the right to sue for all money and property entrusted to the agent but not accounted for
4 duties of principals to agents
- compensation - reasonable pay
- reimbursement - repay agent for money reasonably spent in reasonably carrying out agency
- cooperation - do whatever required to help agent to reasonably carry out agency
- safe workplace - if not obvious, must warn or fix danger