Chapter 32. Formation & Comparison Flashcards
Army (exercise)
Exercitus,-us, m.,
4th noun
Riches, Wealth (cp.dives below)
Divitiae, -arum f.,
1st noun
Honor, esteem, public office ( honorable, honorary, honorific, dishonor)
Honor, -oris, m.,
3rd noun
Custody; in plural guards ( custodian, curatorial)
Custodia, -ae, f.,
1st noun
Law, statute; cp. ius, which emphasizes right, justice (legal, legislator, legitimate, loyal)
Lex, legis,f.,
3rd noun
Knowledge (science, scientific; cp. scio, XXI)
Scientia, -ae, f.,
1st noun
(Cons. Stem adj. of 1 ending; see Ch. XVI n. 4), rich (Dives)
Dives, gen. Divitis or ditis
Adj or noun 3rd
Of small means, poor
Pa’uper, gen. Pa’uperis
Lose, let go
Amitto, -ere, -misi, missum
3rd verb
Volo, velle, volui
Wish, want, be willing, will (volition, voluntary, involuntary, volunteer, volitive, voluptuous; nolens, volens)
Nolo, nolle, nolui
Wish, be unwilling (nol-pros)
Par, gen. Paris ( adj. of 1ending+dat.),
Adj 3rd
Equal, like ( par, pair, parity, peer, peerless, disparage, disparity, umpire, nonpareil)
Celeriter, adv. of celer (Ch. XVI)
Swiftly, quickly
2nd verb
Lie open, be open, be accessible, be evident (patent, patent, patency)
Keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit (pro-hibitive, prohibition, prohibitory)
Prohibeo, -ere, -hibui, hibitum
2nd verb
Malo,malle, malui (magus-volo)
Wish rather, prefer, follow
Present indicative: volo
- volo
- vis
- vult
- volumus
- vultis
- volunt
Present subjunctive: volo
- velim
- velis
- velit
- velimus
- velitis
- velint
Imperfect subjunctive: volo
- Vellem
- Velles
- Vellet
- Vellemus
- Velletis
- Vellent
Infinitives: volo
Pres. Velle
Perf. Voluisse
Future. ( none)
Participle: volens