Chapter 31 Vocab Flashcards
as, assis, m.
an as, small copper coin (similar to modern penny)
auxilium, auxili, n.
aid, help
exsilium, exsili, n.
digitus, digiti, m.
finger, toe
elephantus, elephanti, m. and f.
invidia, invidiae, f.
envy, jealousy, hatred
rumor, rumoris, m.
rumor, gossip
vinum, vini, n.
mediocris, mediocre
ordinary, moderate, mediocre
cum (conj. + subj.)
when, since, although
cum (conj. + indic.)
when, while
cum (prep. + abl.)
Preposition vs conjunction
Prepositions establish relationships in time/space/between nouns whereas conjunctions connect phrases and clauses
apud (prep. + acc.)
among, in the presence of, at the house of
semel, adv.
a single time, once, once and for all, simultaneously
usque, adv.
all the way, up (to), even (to), continuously, always
doleo, dolere, dolui, doliturum
to grieve, suffer; hurt, give pain
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum
to sleep
fero, ferre, tuli, latum
to bear, carry, bring; suffer, endure, tolerate (bear/carry burden); say, report (bear/carry news)
adfero, adferre, attuli, allatum
to bring to
confero, conferre, contuli, collatum
to bring together, compare; confer, bestow
se conferre (idiom)
to go
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum
to offer
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum
to carry back, bring back; repeat, answer, report
invideo, invidere, invidi, invisum + dative
to be envious, look at with envy, envy, be jealous of
occido, occidere, occidi, occasum
to fall down; die; set (as in sunset)