Chapter 31 Study Guide Flashcards
Federal government role in relation of medications
the federal government protects the health of the people by ensuring that medications are safe and effective. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration ensures that all medications undergo vigorous testing before they are sold
State government role in relation of medications
the state governments conform to federal legislation but also have additional controls such as alcohol and tobacco
Health care institutions role in relation of medications
health care institutions have individual policies to meet federal and state regulations
Nurse practice act role in relation of medications
defines the scope of a nurse’s professional functions and responsibilities
Chemical Name
provides an exact description of the medication’s composition and molecular structure
Generic Name
is created by the manufacturer who first develops the medication; this becomes the official name
Trade Name
is one that the manufacturer has trademarked to identify the particular version they manufacture
A medication classification indicates
the effect of the medication on a body system, the symptoms the medication relieves, or the medication’s desired effect
The form of the medication determines its
route of administration
Pharmacokinetics is
the study of how medications enter the body, reach their site of action, metabolize, and exit the body
Absorption is
refers to the passage of medication molecules into the blood from the site of administration
Identify the factors that influence drug absorption
a. route of administration
b. ability of the medication to dissolve
c. blood flow to the site of administration
d. body surface area
e. lipid solubility
Identify the factors that affect the rate and extent of medication distribution
a. circulation
b. membrane permeability
c. protein binding
d. metabolism
e. excretion
Explain the role of metabolism
after a medication reaches its site of action, it becomes metabolized into a less active or inactive form that is easier to excrete
Identify the primary organ for drug excretion, and explain what happens if this organ’s function declines
the kidneys are the primary organ for drug excretion. when renal function declines, a patient is at risk for medication toxicity
Therapeutic Effects
are the expected or predictable physiological response to a medication
Side Effects
are predictable and often unavoidable secondary effects a medication predictably will call
Adverse Effects
are unintended, undesirable, and often unpredictable severe responses to medication
Toxic Effects
develop after prolonged intake of a medication or when a medication accumulates in the blood because of impaired metabolism or excretion
Idiosyncratic Reactions
are unpredictable effects in which a patient overreacts or underreacts to a medication or has a reaction that is different from normal
Allergic Reactions
are unpredictable responses to a medication
Anaphylactic Reactions
are allergic reactions that are life threatening and characterized by sudden constriction of bronchiolar muscles, edema of the pharynx and larynx, and severe wheezing and shortness of breath
Medication Interaction
occurs when one medication modifies he action of another medication; it may alter the way another medication is absorbed, metabolized, or eliminated from the body
Synergistic Effect
is when the combined effect of the two medications is greater than the effect of the medications when given separately
Minimum Effective Concentration (MEC)
is the plasma level of a medication below which the medication’s effect will not occur
Peak Concentration
the highest serum level concentration
Trough Concentration
the lowest serum level concentration
Biological Half-Life
is the time it takes for excretion processes to lower the serum medication concentration by half
Identify the 3 types of oral routes
a. oral
b. buccal
c. sublingual
Identify 5 methods for applying medications to mucous membranes
a. directly applying a liquid or ointment
b. inserting a medication into a body cavity
c. instilling fluid into a body cavity
d. irrigating a body cavity
e. spraying
Identify the benefit of the inhalation route
inhaled medications are readily absorbed and work rapidly because of the rich vascular alveolar capillary network present in the pulmonary tissue
Identify the 3 types of measurements used in medication therapy
a. metric
b. apothecary
c. household
A solution is
a given mass of solid substance dissolved in a known volume of fluid or a given volume of liquid dissolved in a known volume of another fluid
Write out the formula used to determine the correct dose when preparing solid or liquid forms of medications
dose ordered/dose on hand x amount on hand = amount to administer
if the order is given verbally to the nurse by the provider, it is a verbal order
Standing Or Routine Order
is carried out until the prescriber cancels it by another order or until a prescribed number of days elapse
PRN Order
is a medication that is given only when a patient requires it
Single (one-time) Dose
is given only once at a specified time
STAT Order
describes a single dose of a medication to be given immediately and only once
is used when a patient needs a medication quickly but not right away; the nurse has up to 90 minutes to administer
List the medication distribution systems
a. unit dose
b. automated medication dispensing systems (AMDS)
Identify the common medication errors that can cause patient harm
a. inaccurate prescribing
b. administration of the wrong medicine
c. giving the medication using the wrong route or time interval
d. administering extra doses
e. failing to administer a medication
Identify the process for medication reconciliation
a. verify
b. clarify
c. reconcile
d. transmit
List the 6 rights of medication administration
a. the right medication
b. the right dose
c. the right patient
d. the right route
e. the right time
f. the right documentation
Briefly summarize The Patient Care Partnership related to medication administration
a. be informed of the medication’s name, purpose, action, and potential undesired effects
b. refuse a medication regardless of the consequences
c. have qualified nurses or physicians assess a medication history
d. be properly advised of the experimental nature of medication therapy and give written consent
e. receive labeled medications safely without discomfort
f. receive appropriate supportive therapy
g. be informed if medications are a part of a research study
Identify the areas the nurse needs to assess to determine the need for and potential response to medication therapy
a. history
b. history of allergies
c. medication date
d. diet history
e. patient’s perceptual coordination problems
f. patient’s current condition
g. patient’s attitude about mediation use
h. patient’s knowledge and understanding of medication therapy
i. patient’s learning needs
Identify 7 of the potential nursing diagnoses used during the administration of medications
a. anxiety
b. ineffective health maintenance
c. readiness for enhanced immunization status
d. deficient knowledge
e. noncompliance
f. effective therapeutic regimen management
g. impaired swallowing
Identify the outcomes for a patient with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes
a. will verbalize understanding of desired effects and adverse effects of medications
b. will state signs, symptoms, and treatment of hypoglycemia
c. will monitor blood sugar to determine if medication is appropriate to take
d. will establish a daily routine that will coordinate timing of medication with meal times
Identify factors that can influence the patient’s compliance with the medication regimen
a. health beliefs
b. personal motivations
c. socioeconomic factors
d. habits
Identify the components of medication orders
a. patient’s full name
b. date and time that the order is written
c. mediation name
d. dose
e. route of administration
f. time and frequency of administration
g. signature of provider
The recording of medication includes
a. the name of the medication
b. dose
c. route
d. exact time of administration
e. site
Explain the reasons why polypharmacy happens to a patient
when patients need to take several medications to treat their illnesses, take two or more medications from the same chemical class, use two or more mediations with the same or similar actions or mix medications, polypharmacy happens
Identify 2 goals for safe and effective medication administration
a. patient responds to therapy
b. patient has the ability to assume responsibility for self-care
Identify the precautions to take when administering any oral preparation to prevent aspiration
a. determine the patient’s ability to swallow and cough and check for gag reflex
b. prepare oral medications in the form that is easiest to swallow
c. allow the patient to self-administer medications if possible
d. if the patient has unilateral weakness, place the medication in the stronger side of the mouth
e. administer pills one at a time, ensuring that each medication is properly swallowed before the next one is introduced
f. thicken regular liquids or offer fruit nectars if the patient cannot tolerate thin liquids
g. avoid straws because they decrease the control the patient has over volume intake, which increases the risk of aspiration
h. have the patient hold the cup and drink it if possible
i. time medications to coincide with meal times or when the patient is well rested and awake if possible
j. administer medications using another route if risk of aspiration is severe
Identify the guidelines to ensure safe administration of transdermal or topical medications
a. document where the medication was placed in the MAR
b. assess if patient has an existing patch before application
c. medication history and reconciling medications
d. apply a noticeable label to the patch
e. document removal of medications on the MAR
The most common form of nasal instillation is
decongestant spray or drops
List 4 principles for administering eye instillations
a. avoid instilling any eye medication directly onto the cornea
b. avoid touching the eyelids or other eye structures with eye droppers or ointment tube
c. use medication only for the patient’s affected eye
d. never allow a patient to use another patient’s eye medication
Failure to instill ear drops at room temperature causes
a. vertigo
b. dizziness
c. nausea
Vaginal medications are available as
a. suppositories
b. foam
c. jellies
d. creams
Rectal suppositories are used for
exerting local effects (promoting defecation) or systemic effects (reducing nausea)
Pressurized Metered-dose Inhalers (pMDIs)
delivers a measured dose of medication with each push of a canister often used with a spacer
Breath-actuated Metered-dose inhalers (BAIs)
releases medication when a patient raises a level and then inhales
Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs)
hold dry, powered medication and create an aerosol when the patient inhales through a reservoir that contains the medication
The study of how drugs enter the body, reach their sits of action, are metabolized, and exit from the body is called:
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacopoeia
- Pharmacokinetics
- Biopharmaceutical
- definition of pharmacokinetics
Which statement correctly characterizes drug absorption?
- Most drugs must enter the systemic circulation to have a therapeutic effect.
- Oral medications are absorbed more quickly when administered with meals
- Mucous membranes are relatively impermeable to chemicals, making absorption slow
- Drugs administered subcutaneously are absorbed more quickly than those injected intramuscularly
1.. absorption refers to the passage of medication molecules into the blood from the site of administration
The onset of drug action is the time it takes for a drug to:
- Produce a response
- Accelerate the cellular process
- Reach its highest effective concentration
- Produce blood serum concentration and maintenance
- definition of onset
Using the body surface area formula, what dose of drug X should a child who weighs 12 kg (body surface area = 0.54 m2) receive if the normal adult dose of drug X is 300 mg?
- 50 mg
- 90 mg
- 100 mg
- 200 mg
- child’s dose = surface of child/1.7 m2 x normal adult dose