Chapter 30 (Module 2) Flashcards
Select the TRUE statement from the choices below.
a. The art of image critique is the application of scientific knowledge to the analysis of an image.
b. If an image is within acceptable limits, it is always of optimal image quality.
c. Photographic problems involve the production of recorded detail.
d. The cause of an unacceptable or suboptimal image includes technical factors only.
The art of image critique is the application of scientific knowledge to the analysis of an image.
Image critique is particularly challenging with current technology due to the problems centering around
a. patient positioning.
b. patient preparation procedures.
c. the sophistication of the digital technologies used.
d. new x-ray tube designs providing much higher resolution with decreased heat loading.
The sophistication of the digital technologies used
Generally speaking, the process of image analysis should start with
a. the formulation of a hypothesis as to cause.
b. a review of the entire image.
c. the identification of patterns or cues.
d. the selection of a final hypothesis as to a cause of the problem.
A review of the entire image
With film-screen radiography, the largest percentage of image quality problems center around
a. film-screen contact.
b. inconsistent film quality from manufacturers.
c. automatic processing.
d. darkroom errors.
Automatic processing
As medical imaging continues to adopt digital imaging technologies, one of the greatest challenges for technologists regarding image analysis will be
a. clearly identifying the problem as a photographic vs. geometric problem with detail.
b. identifying possible causes that may be electronic in nature.
c. determining if postprocessing algorithms are accurate.
d. all of the above.
all of the above
All of the following are related EXCEPT
a. exposure timer error.
b. technical factor problem.
c. equipment malfunction problem.
d. procedural factor problem.
Exposure timer error
All of the following would be classified as technical factor problems EXCEPT
a. the presence of grid aliasing on a CR image.
b. the presence of residual barium in the patient’s colon scheduled for an IVU exam.
c. low-resolution images with a loss of recorded detail.
d. an unexpectedly high EI value after using exposure values that are known to be correct.
The presence of residual barium in the patient’s colon scheduled for an IVU exam
Images that are grossly underexposed
a. will demonstrate electronic noise.
b. will have a low S#.
c. will possess poor visibility of detail.
d. will have a large EI value.
Will possess poor visibility of detail
Problems with radiographic/fluoroscopic equipment image quality can be kept to a minimum by
a. cross-training radiographers to perform equipment service.
b. x-ray equipment service contracts.
c. allowing in-house biomed staff to perform first-line service.
d. a quality control program.
A quality control program
The presence of the Moire effect on an image indicates a problem with
a. a flat panel detector.
b. a procedural factor.
c. a CR cassette and grid.
d. the Bucky mechanism.
a CR cassette and grid
Static marks on a film radiographic image represents
a. a procedural factor problem.
b. a recorded detail problem.
c. a visibility of detail problem.
d. an equipment malfunction problem.
A visibility of detail problem
A photographic problem with visibility of detail would be likely due to
a. improper SID.
b. improper OID.
c. inadequate kVp.
d. improper focal spot selection.
Inadequate kVp
If the electronic timer of a high-frequency generator is suspect,
a. a standard spinning top test should be performed.
b. the image will usually demonstrate quantum noise in excess.
c. an exposure time modifier should be calculated and incorporated into future exposures.
d. a qualified service engineer should be called.
A qualified service engineer should be called
A film-screen image that demonstrates too little contrast would represent
a. a procedural factor problem.
b. an equipment malfunction problem.
c. a technical factor problem.
d. none of the above.
A technical factor problem
Geometric problems dealing with distortion could be due to
a. focal spot selection.
b. x-ray tube alignment.
c. collimation problems.
d. inadequate mAs.
x-ray tube alignment
An image is presented to the department quality control coordinator by a disgruntled radiologist that shows an asymmetrically narrowed ankle mortise on an AP projection. His dissatisfaction would be most likely classified as a
a. technical factor distortion problem.
b. procedural factor patient preparation problem.
c. procedural factor patient positioning problem.
d. technical factor tube alignment problem.
Procedural factor patient positioning problem
Technical factor problems can include both
a. equipment and technologist problems.
b. procedural and room scheduling problems.
c. equipment and image processing problems.
d. photographic and geometric problems.
Photographic and gemoetric problems
An optimal diagnostic quality radiograph
a. is always within acceptable limits.
b. is always the same as a diagnostic image.
c. will generally look better when geometrically magnified.
d. may warrant an ALARA violation.
Is always within acceptable limits
The three alignment factors include the
a. part, AEC detector combination, and CR.
b. central ray, grid, and Bucky.
c. CR plate, reader laser, and collimation.
d. x-ray tube, part, and receptor.
X-ray tube, part, and receptor
Select the FALSE statement from the choices below.
a. Geometric problems include patient motion.
b. Equipment malfunction involves radiographic/fluoroscopic equipment only.
c. Receptor exposure problems include mAs and grid selection choices.
d. Inadequate inspiration on a chest radiograph is a procedural problem.
Equipment malfunction involves radiographic/fluoroscopic equipment only
You have just completed an AP projection of the knee using a DR detector. On review of the image, the image demonstrates a series of several, thin white lines across the bottom third of the image. One of your colleagues immediately states that the image problem is due to grid cut-off and tells you to repeat it without the use of the grid. Your response should be to
a. try and remove the lines with postprocessing software.
b. assume the coworker is correct and repeat the image.
c. analyze the image further to look for nongrid technical issues.
d. magnify the image to look for quantum mottle.
Analyze the image further to look for nongrid technical issues
An effective and reliable assessment of DR image quality, from an exposure intensity standpoint, is to
a. look at the Deviation Index number.
b. magnify the image to inspect for noise.
c. reference your exposure techniques pocket guide for acceptable noise levels.
d. look at the Exposure Index(EI) number and reference the EI target numbers.
Look at the Exposure Index (EI) number and reference the EI target numbers
As you are performing a KUB on a 375 lb. male patient using AEC, the exposure terminates within 1–2 milliseconds. The DR image displayed following exposure demonstrates objectionable quantum noise. The likely cause can be classified as a(n)
a. equipment malfunction problem
b. procedural problem
c. technical problem
d. all of the above
All of the above
A radiologist who complains about an inability to assess heart size on a PA chest radiograph because of patient rotation, is likely upset about
a. a procedural problem.
b. the margins of acceptable image quality are set too narrow.
c. a technical problem.
d. very poor temporal resolution.
A procedural problem
The presence of two opaque metallic objects in the region of C1–C2 on a lateral cervical spine projection is an example of
a. an ethical violation.
b. a procedural issue.
c. electronic artifacts from the display monitor.
d. a technical problem.
A procedural issue