Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials Flashcards
Art 300
General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials
Art 310
Conductors for General Wiring
Art 311
Medium Voltage Conductors and Cable
Art 312
Cabinets, Cutout Boxes, and Meter Socket Enclosures
Art 314
Outlet , Device, Pull and Junction Boxes; Conduit Bodies; Fittings; and Handhole Enclosures
Art 320
Armored Cable TYPE AC
Art 322
Flat Cable Assemblies TYPE FC
Art 324
Flat Cable Conductors TYPE FCC
Art 326
Integrated Gas Spacer Cable TYPE IGS
Art 330
Metal Clad Cable TYPE MC
Art 332
Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Cable TYPE MI
Art 334
Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable TYPES NM and NMC
Art 336
Power and Control Tray Cable TYPE TC
Art 337
Type P Cable
Art 338
Service-Entrance Cable TYPES SE and USE
Art 340
Underground Feeder and Branch Circuit Cable TYPE UF
Art 342
IMC Conduit
Art 344
RMC Conduit
Art 348
FMC Conduit
Art 350
LFMC Conduit
Art 352
PVC Conduit
Art 353
HDPE Conduit
Art 354
NUCC Conduit/Conductors
Art 355
RTRC Conduit
Art 356
LFNC Conduit
Art 358
EMT Conduit
Art 360
FMT Conduit
Art 362
ENT Conduit
Art 366
Auxiliary Gutters
Art 368
Art 370
Art 372
Cellular Concrete Floor Raceways
Art 374
Cellular Metal Floor Raceways
Art 346
Metal Wireways
Art 378
Nonmetallic Wireways
Art 380
Multioutlet Assembly
Art 382
Nonmetallic Extension
Art 384
Strut-Type Channel Raceways
Art 386
Surface metal Raceways
Art 388
Surface Nonmetallic Raceways
Art 390
Underfloor Raceways
Art 392
Cable Trays
Art 393
Low-Voltage Suspended Ceiling Power Distribution Systems
Art 394
Concealed Knob and Tube Wiring
Art 396
Messenger Supported Wiring
Art 398
Open Wiring on Insulators
Art 399
Outdoor Overhead Conductors Over 1000v