What are the physical states of water?
Solid, liquid and gaseous state.
How does water change its states?
Through melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation
What are water stores?
water stores are places where water is contained.
What groups can water stores be categorised in? Give examples of the categories.
They are catogerised as freshwater and saltwater stores. Glaciers, rivers, lakes, groundwater and soils contain freshwater. Oceans are saltwater stores.
What does it mean when a water store contains freshwater?
It means that the water contains low amounts of salt and can be used more readily.
What does it mean when a water store contains saltwater?
It means that the water contains high amount of salts, too much salt to be used directly.
How are the water stores distributed on earth? Why?
Water stores are distributed unevenly on earth. This can be seen as there is only 3.5% of freshwater in the world, while the other 96.5% are saltwater.
Can water transfers from different stores? Is this a good thing?
Yes. These movements are known as flow. This is not a good thing as water from freshwater stores can flow to saltwater stores, which contaminates the freshwater to become saltwater. Thus less freshwater is available.
What are oceans? Give some examples.
Oceans are large masses of water that are connected to one another. For example, the largest ocean, pacific ocean. The second largest ocean, the atlantic ocean. The third largest ocean, the indian ocean. Arctic ocean where polar bears swim and the southern ocean where penguins swim.
What are lakes? Where do they receive the water?
Lakes are water bodies surrounded by land. They may receive water from rain, snow or rivers.
What are glaciers? Where are they found?
Glaciers are large masses of ice that rest on land or float in the sea. They’re found in places where it snows throughout the year so tht enough snow accumulates and hardens into ice. They are very heavy, thus moving slowly.
What are the % of water stores?
96.5% oceans, 3.5% fresh water
What are rivers? Where do they flow to?
Rivers are natural flows of freshwater across the land that store water temporarily before it flows into another water body. They flow from places of higher elevation as gravity pulls water downwards.
What are the parts of a river and they’re purpose?
River source: Marks the point where a river begins. river mouth marks the place where a river flows into another water body.
What are meanders?
The twisting and turning points of a river. (curves, bends. loops, turns, winding)