chapter 3 vocabulario Flashcards
barrer (el piso)
to sweep (the floor)
to cook
cortar el césped
to mow the lawn, cut the grass
doblar la rpoa
to fold the clothes
hacer (irregular) la cama
to make the bed
to wash
to clean
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
planchar la ropa
to iron, clothes
poner (irregular) la mess
to set the table
quitarla mesa
to clear the table
sacar (la basura)
to take out, the trash\garbage
sacudir (los muebles)
to dust, the furniture
secar (la ropa)
to dry, the clothes
tender (ie) (la ropa)
to hang the clothes
trabajar en el jardín
to work in the garden or yard
trapear (el piso)
to mop the floor
la aspiradora
vacuum cleaner
la estufa
el horno
el (horno de) microondas
microwave oven
la lavadora
washer or washing machine
el lavaplatos
la licuadora
la secadora
una vez a la semana/al mes
once a week\month
to be… Years old
tener mucho calor
to be very hot
tener cuidado
to be careful
arreglar el cuarto
to tidy\clean up the room
tener cuidado
to be careful
tener éxito
to be successful
tener frío
to be cold
tener ganas de (infinitive)
to feel like, do something
tener miedi de
to be afraid of
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener que +(infinative)
to have to, do something
tener razón
to be right