Chapter 3: Violations Flashcards
Solove’s Taxonomy of Privacy
1) Information Collection
2) Information Processing
3) Information Dissemination
4) Invasions
Information Collection Violations (2)
- Surveillance
- Interrogation
Information Processing Violations (5)
- Aggregation
- Insecurity
- Identification
- Secondary Use
- Exclusion
Information Dissemination Violations (7)
- Breach of Confidentiality
- Disclosure
- Exposure
- Increased Accessibility
- Blackmail
- Appropriation
- Distortion
Invasion - Privacy Violations (2)
- Intrusion
- Decisional Interference
Information Collection - Surveillance
Watching, listening to, or recording of an individual’s activities.
- Tracking mouse movements around a webpage
- Security cameras in a store
- Recording user app activity in mobile phone
- Tracking GPS locations of a fitness application user
Information Collection - Interrogation
Questioning or probing individuals for personal information.
- Asking a female job candidate if she’s pregnant
- Nudging social media users to complete their profiles
- Probing for sensitive sources of income, such as alimony or child support
Information Processing - Aggregation
Combining of various pieces of personal information
- Aggregating a user’s searches to better interpret interests
- Aggregating shoppers’ purchasing habits
- Aggregating patients’ doctor visits
Information Collection - Insecurity
Carelessness in protecting information from leaks in improper access
- A web developer allowing web visitors to see customer records
- A company hiring an unlicensed individual with a criminal record to handle customer sensitive data
- A company’s developer accidentally uploading company creds on Github
Information Processing - Identification
Linking of information to a particular individual.
- Using computer device fingerprinting to tie a person to other websites or apps that do not require fingerprinting.
- Correlating timestamps in 2 databases, one that has been “anonymized” and the other not to re-identify individuals.
Information Processing - Secondary Use
Using personal information for a purpose other than for which it was collected.
- A company sends spam emails about all their product after you ordered 1 product.
- WhatsApp sharing your name and phone number to Facebook so businesses can advertise you.
- Facebook using phone numbers provided for two-factor authentication to spam users to use their platform.
Information Processing - Exclusion
Failing to let an individual know about the data that others have about them or participate in its handling or use.
- Using information about previous calls to constantly kick “Problem callers” to the back of the queue without them knowing
- Denying services or products based on information about customers without them knowing or giving them the ability to dispute it, e.g. denying a mortgage loan because of ethnicity.
Invasions - Intrusion
Disturbing an individual’s tranquillity or solitude.
- A game that invites people to go to individuals’ houses without the owners’ permission.
- Email spam.
- A political surveyor calling at 6 p.m. while you’re trying to have dinner.
Invasion - Decisional Interference
Intruding into an individual’s decision making regarding their private affairs.
- A government dictating family planning decisions.
- Hackers/ other countries interfering in a country’s presidential elections.
- A payment processor preventing a user from spending money on certain products or services on moral grounds.
Information Dissemination - Breach of Confidentiality
Breaking a promise to keep an individual’s information confidential
- Disclosure of a patient’s HIV condition in a lawsuit for an unpaid bill.
- Doctors releasing patient information that might change how they are treated or their credibility in a court case.
- Banks divulging a customer’s financial information to law enforcement without following a legally proscribed process (court order, subpoena)
- Requesting your medical records and instead of receiving the medical records for someone with the same name.
Information Dissemination - Disclosure
Revealing truthful information about an individual that impacts their security or the way others judge their character.
- Newspapers disclosing an individual’s private sexual preferences.
- Criminals purchasing information/addresses of domestic abuse victims
- Crime witness’s identities being revealed.
Information Dissemination - Exposure
Revealing an individual’s nudity, grief or bodily functions.
- Photos of a mother grieving about a school shooting
- Newspaper posting pictures featuring a celebrity doing private matters in their home.
- Posting mature content of ex-significant others that they wouldn’t be comfortable going public.
Information Dissemination - Increased Accessibility
Amplifying the accessibility of personal information
- Court records being put online and in searchable format.
- Social media accounts that include GPS meta-tag information posted photos
- Webcams from public locations being broadcast on the internet.
Information Dissemination - Blackmail
Threatening to disclose personal information.
- Charging customers to delete their accounts.
- Recording an individual in unlawful acts to try to persuade them not to continue with the case.
- Threatening to disclose a celeb’s use of drugs to obtain money
Information Dissemination - Appropriation
Using an individual’s identity to serve the aims and meaning of another.
- An individual creating a book using your life as a reference.
- A magazine using your image to increase their sales.
- A plastic surgery office using your before and after pictures without your consent to promote their servicers.
Information Dissemination - Distortion
Privacy Dark Patterns
Recurring solution that is used to trick individuals into giving up their privacy.
Privacy Dark Patterns (8)
Privacy Zuckering
Bad Defaults
Forced Registrations
Immortal Accounts
Address Book Leeching
Shadow Profiles
Information Milking
Privacy Zuckering
Making changing the default privacy settings difficult
Bad Defaults
Default option in a system encourage or ease the sharing of personal info
Forced Registration
One is forced to register for an account to use part of the functionality a service though the registration is technically unnecessary
Immortal Accounts
Service provider prevents or complicate the deletion of user accounts.
Hidden Stipulations
T&C hide malicious stipulations
Address Book Leeching
A service provider urges a user to upload their contacts to provide a certain service function.
Shadow Profiles
Creating hidden profiles of non-users or hidden profiles of users
Information Milking
A webpage is requesting more information than necessary for providing a service.