Chapter 3: Vector Spaces and Subspaces Flashcards
A subspace of a vector is a set of vectors (including 0) hat satisfies requirements:
- v+w=subspace
- cv =subspace
- cv + dw =subspace
Column Space of A
(all possible valid solutions ‘b’ for Ax=b)
The combinations are all possible vectors A(x) that fill C(A)
One easy basis for C(A) is the space described by only the pivot columns of A.
Special Solutions
Vectors in R^n that contain all solutions to AX=0
Nullspace basis vectors are the vectors of the special solutions to Ax=0
Special solutions are found by solving the systems of equations presented by R(A) = 0.
The number of special solutions correspond to the number of free columns (s = m - r)
Pivot Columns and Free Columns
After reducing matrix to RREF (Reduced Row Echelon Form):
Columns with pivots are Pivot Columns
Columns with no pivots are Free Columns
Rank = r = number of pivots
If r = m = n
The matrix is square (m = n)
The matrix is invertible (r !< n)
Ax = b has one solution
Augmented Matrix
[A | b]
Full Column Rank
- All columns have pivots
- There are no free variables or special solutions
- The nullspace of A contains only the zero vector
Ax=b only has one solution
Full Row Rank
- All the rows have pivots
- Ax=b has a solution for every in Ax=b
- The col space is R^m
- n - r = n - m special solutions
r=m r
The matrix is short/wide Ax=b has infinite solutions Nullspace is at least one-dimensional with at least one special solution. (n - r) special solutions (n - r) nullspace dimensions
The matrix is tall/thin
ax=b has 0 or 1 solution
Not full rank
Axb has 0 or infinite solutions
A is singular/not-invertible
Linear Independence
Property of a matrix, not individual vectors
Columns of A are linearly independent when the only solution to Ax=0 is x=0
Vectors span a subspace if their linear combinations fill the space
Four Fundamental Subspaces
- The rowspace is C(A’) a subspace of R^n
- The column space is C(A) a subspace of R^m
- The nullspace is N(A) a subspace of R^n
- The left nullspace is N(A’) a subspace of R^m
Dimensions: Column number (n) match rowspace and nullspace. C(A'),N(A) are in R^n Row number (m) matches column space and left-nullspace. C(A),N(A') are in R^m