Chapter - 3 Validity Of Contract and Agreement Flashcards
Essential element of a valid contract
1- Offer and Acceptance
2- Intention to create legal relationship
3- Capacity / Competence of parties
4- Free Consent
5- Consideration
6- Lawful Object
7- Possibility of performance
8- Certainty
9- Legal formalities regarding writing and registration
Valid contract
Agreement enforceable by law
Void Contract
Which ceases to be enforceable by law
Voidable Contract
Which is enforceable at the option of one party (i.e. aggrieved party)
When at the desire of the promisee, the promisor has done or doesor promises to do something, such act is called a consideration for the promise. Consideration may be either a positive act or abstinence.
Essential element of Consideration
1- Consideration must be offered at the desire of promisee
2- Consideration may be given by promisor or any other person
3- Consideration may be past , present or future act or abstinence
4- Consideration must be something in value
5- Consideration must be real
6- Consideration must be something which promisor is not already bound to do
7- Consideration must be lawful
Exceptions to “No Consideration, No
- Agreement made on account of natural love and affection.
- Near Relation
- Natural love and affection
- Written
- Registered - Agreement to pay a time barred debt
- Not recoverable under Law of limitation
- Written
- Signed - Completed Gift.(i.e.Transferred).
- Contribution to Charity. (If promisee incurred liability)
- Agreement to compensate for past voluntary services.
- Other contracts (Bailment, Guarantee, Agency)
Object/consideration is unlawful if:
- Forbidden by Pakistan Penal Code.
- Involves injury to a person.
- Fraudulent.
- If permitted, would defeat provisions of any law.
- Court regards it Immoral or Opposed to public policy.
Agreements Opposed to Public Policy includes:
1- Trading with Alien Enemy
2- Stifling criminal prosecution
3- Sale of public office
4- Marriage brokerage agreement
5- Restraint parental rights
6- Restraint of personal liberty
7- Agreement to create monopoly
If some part of an agreement is legal and other part is illegal, status of such agreement:
If Illegal Part can be separated:
Legal part is valid, Illegal part is void.
If Illegal Part cannot be separated:
Whole Agreement is Void.
Example of combined legal and illegal agreement
- Agreement with alternate promises.
- Agreement first to do legal, and then illegal
Who is minor
A minor is a person who has not attained age of majority which is 18 years of age. However, if a guardian is appointed by court for a minor, then age of majority will be 21 years.
Position of agreement with minor
- Agreement by a minor is void against him
(restoration possible, if in hands) - Rule of Estoppel does not apply to minor.
- No ratification of agreement by minor.
- Minor in a partnership (cannot be partner,
can be admitted into benefits) - Minor in an agency (not personally liable)
- Agreement by Guardian (valid for benefits
of minor) - Contract by minor and adjult jointly.
- Minor and insolvency.
- Filing suit.
Necessities Supplied to Minor:
Can be recovered from property if:
- Necessities of life
- Provided to minor/dependent
- Price is reasonable
Who is the person of unsound mind
A person is of unsound mind if at time of making a contract:
- he is not able to understand it, and
- he is not able to judge its effects on his interest
Examples of unsound mind
Specific person/idiot
Drunken person or a person delirious from fever
Agreement with specific person/idiot
- Unsound mind by birth
- Always void
Agreement with lunatic
- normally of unsound mind, but occasionally of sound mind
- Unsound mind at the time of contract , it will be void
- sound mind at the time of contract, it will be valid.
However, party enforcing contract will have to prove this
Agreement with a person of sound mind who occasionally becomes unsound
Sane man delirious from fever, drunken so much
- sound mind at the time of contract, it will be valid
- Unsound mind at the time of contract, it will be void
However party avoiding contract will have to prove this.
Necessaries supplied to person of unsound mind
- Necessities of life
- provided to unsound mind/dependent
- price is reasonable
Agreement with Disqualified Persons
- Alien Enemy (agreements suspended
during war) - Foreign Sovereigns and Ambassadors
(cannot be sued) - Convicts (cannot contract during
imprisonment) - Insolvent
Position of agreement with alien enemies
- New contract cannot be made during war
- Existing contract stand suspended. They can be revived after war is over
Position of agreement with foreign sovereign and ambassador
- Such person can enter into contracts and can sue others to enforce contracts.
- However, they have immunity and cannot be sued unless they choose to submit themselves to our courts
Position of agreement with convicts
- incompetent to enter into new contract
- incompetent to sue on contracts made before conviction