Chapter 3 - Unit 3 Flashcards
In interest in real estate is
Ownership of any combination of the bundle of rights to real property
What are the 5 rights to real property:
- Possess
- Use
- Transfer
- Encumber
- Exclude
An undivided interest is an owner’s interest in a property in which ____________.
The terms “undivided” or “indivisible” signify that the owner’s interest is in a ______ part of the entire estate, not in a ______ portion of the real property itself.
Two or more parties share ownership.
not physical
Interests are principally distinguished by whether they include ________.
If the interest-holder enjoys the right of possession, the party is considered to have _________ or ________.
an estate in land or an estate
If a private interest-holder does not have the right to possess, the interest is __________.
If the interest-holder is not private, such as a government entity, and does not have the right to possess, the interest is some form of _________.
public interest
An encumbrance enables a non-owning party to ________.
restrict the owner’s bundle of rights
Government rights to property, since they are in the public interest, ________________.
supersede the rights of the individual.
The prime example of public interest is _________ or the right of the local or county government to _________.
police power
Other examples of public interest include the right to acquire ownership through the power of _________ eminent domain and ownership claimed by _________.
eminent domain
___________ is the right of the government to take private property for a necessary public use, with just compensation paid to the owner.
Eminent domain
Eminent domain is limited by 3 requirements:
- The property owner must be paid compensation for the property.
- The property must be used for the public good.
- The owner must have due process in the court systems.
When the owner and the government cannot negotiate a satisfactory voluntary acquisition of the property, the government can institute the process of ________ to take a property by eminent domain. When this happens, the process is called a “________.”
Since property cannot be without an owner, if an owner dies without a will and without heirs, or if the property is abandoned, the property reverts to the state. This process is _______.
In a _______, the duration of the owner’s rights cannot be determined: the rights may endure for a lifetime, for less than a lifetime, or for generations beyond the owner’s lifetime.
freehold estate
A _______ is distinguished by its specific duration, as represented by the least term.
leasehold estate
Ownership of a freehold estate is commonly equated with ___________, whereas leasehold estate is not.
ownership of the property
Both leasehold and freehold estates are referred to as _________.
The owner of the freehold estate is the _______, and the renter, or lessee is the ________.
freehold tenant
leasehold tenant
Define “undivided interest” in real estate
When 2 or more owners share ownership, the interest of an individual owner is undivided and indivisible in the sense that it pertains to a fractional part of the entire estate, not to a physical portion of the real property.
Discuss how the right of possession determines what kind of estate or interest a party has in real estate.
If the interest-holder enjoys the right of possession, the estate is an estate in land. If the interest-holder does not have the right of possession, the interest is an encumbrance in the case of private interest-holder, or some form of public interest in the case of a non-private interest holder.
What primarily distinguishes freehold estates from leasehold estates?
The length of time the holder may enjoy the right to possess the estate, the relationship of parties owning the estate, and specific interests held in the estate.
Freehold estates differ primarily according to the _____________, and ___________.
duration of the estate and
what happens when the owner dies.
A freehold estate of potentially unlimited duration is a ________________.
fee simple estate
An estate limited to the life of the owner is a __________.
life estate
What is the highest form of ownership interest one can acquire in real estate?
The fee simple freehold estate
The fee simple estate includes
the complete bundle of rights, and the tenancy is unlimited, with certain exceptions.
The fee simple interest is also called the _______ or simply, __________
fee interest
the fee
The owner of the fee simple interest is called the ________.
fee tenant
There are two forms of fee simple estate: ______ and ______.
absolute and defeasible
The most desirable estate that can be obtained in residential real estate. It is also the most common.
The fee simple absolute estate
The fee simple absolute estate is a perpetual estate that is ___________________.
not conditioned by stipulated or restricted uses.
The 6 bundle of rights attached to the fee simple absolute estate:
- Right of quiet enjoyment
- Right to give away
- Right to sell by deed
- Right to will
- Right to exclude
- Right to control within what is allowed by law
A fee simple owner may also do any of the following (5)
- Pass a life estate in reversion or remainder to another person
- Use the property as security for a debt
- Grant an easement
- Allow another person to lease the property
- Give permission for another to conduct an activity on the property.
Some deeds create what starts out as a fee simple, but attach some sort of condition or limitation. These are called _____________ (or conditional) estates
fee simple defeasible
In defeasible estates, ownership can continue indefinitely, provided the _____________________.
Essential characteristics include (2):
use of the property conforms to certain stated conditions
- The property must be used for a certain purpose, or under certain conditions
- If the use changes or if prohibited conditions are present, the estate reverts to the previous grantor of the estate.
The two types of fee simple defeasible are:
- determinable
2. condition subsequent
The deed to the determinable estate state __________.
usage limitation
In condition subsequent, if any condition is violated, the previous owner may repossess the property. However, the reversion of the estate is not ___________, the grantor must ______________
re-take physical possession within a certain time frame.