Chapter 3 - Types of Risk Flashcards
Why place risks in types & categories?
Helps to cope with the complexity – helps in the understanding and finding solutions
Briefly explain corporate risk
= risks associated with large commercial companies, general businesses and commercial organisations driven by a profit motive and shareholders/owners to satisfy
What is business risk?
Business risk is the probability of loss inherent in an organisation’s operations and environment e.g. adverse economic conditions & competition within the market
Explain strategic risk
Strategic risks are closely related to business risks & are Associated With Vision, Mission & Long-Term Objectives Or An organisation: e.g. decisions the organisation makes about direction, product mix and the target markets. Objective is the plan and operations and tactics is how to achieve the plan
Strategic failings could include sale of poor or unsuitable products/services or the failure of partnerships and alliances (M&A)
What is a financial risk?
‘Financial risk’ covers a group of risks associated with the financing of business activities and transactions e.g. borrowing, lending, m&a. Includes areas such as accuracy of financial reporting, valuation(s) within the business, market, liquidity and credit risks?
What is a market risk, where does this term fit in?
Within the financial risks umbrella and is concerned with the risk of losses in trading positions arising from movements in market prices (also called systematic risk). Driven by economic factors and influenced by events such as natural disasters, risks include:
- Equity risk – relating to organisation wide investments
- Property price risk
- Solvency risk
Explain what is meant by a credit risk? Which umbrella does this fit into?
Financial risks & is the risk a counterparty (a party to a contract) will suffer a financial loss or be unable to pay amounts in full when due e.g mortgage loans of property. The risk factors include type of business, industry, profiles and geographic, economic standing of the counterparty.
Includes default risk, concentration risk & country risk
What is a default risk?
The probability of a debtor being unable to repay its loan obligations
What is a concentration risk?
Risk of a bank loaning too much money to a single industry or multinational company
What is a country risk? What umbrella does that risk fit under?
Where the sovereign state (country) is a credit risk and if there is a crisis, can freeze foreign currency leaving the country, or like Greece in 2012, can default on the loan repayment
Explain what is meant by a liquidity risk
Describe some of the risk factors?
= The risk of running out of cash when financial obligations need to be met
Liquidity is fundamental to any organisation, as without it the company will fail
Liquid funds can be cash or liquid assets (asset liquidity is the ease with which can asset can be turned into cash should the investor need)
Illiquid = buildings & land
Middle liquid = bonds & securities
Liquid = Shares in public companies
What umbrella of risk does legal, regulatory and compliance risk come under:
a) corporate risk
b) operational risk
a) corporate risk
What is a legal risk?
Associated with alleged or actual BREACH OF CONTRACT between an organisation or counterparty, with a counterparty being a business party, third-party or customer. e.g. litigation from financial transactions, financial reporting or misappropriation of funds
Explain a regulatory risk
Associated with factors an organisation needs to consider because of the regulatory environment in which it operates
Explain a compliance risk
A failure to comply with laws and regulations which may incur large financial penalties or fines. = Very important as sends out bad signals to the market and can result in criminal charges for directors or senior officials
Define operation risk
The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people or systems, or from external events.
How is staff resourcing an operation risk?
Organisations required skilled workers to operate, if they do not have sufficient number of workers with knowledge and experience, this is a risk
Explain fraud in relation to operation risk with some examples
Fraud and dishonesty of staff is a risk to all organisations. For financial institutions e.g. insurance companies the main risk is LARGE MOVEMENTS OF CASH e.g. could be a fabricated claim or embezzlement. The sources may lie with external contacts