Chapter 3- The Triune God Flashcards
What is the Catholic value of music in worship?
The Catholic Church has always approved of the use of music in order to praise God. Many Christians feel inspired by music in the mass and it helps them feel closer to God
Music in worship unites people in praise, increases the beauty and
praise, helps people to feel more involved in the worship can make worship feel more joyous or solemn. It unites people in praise
What are the different types of music used in the Catholic liturgy?
Psalms, plainchant, traditional hymns, contemporary worship songs, mass settings
What are psalsms?
Pieces of poetry from the book of psalms in the OT which are often sung as part of worship. They are an important part of the Divine Office which have to be said four times a day by priests. They centre around the praise of God and talk about praising God through song
What is plainchant?
Ancient form of music which are usually song unaccompanied, to a limited range of notes . Used in monasteries and church services. Ideal to use in the mass
What are traditional hymns?
Religious songs that praise God used by generations of believers written to be accompanied by an organ used in madd. Help people to become involved in worship
What are contemporary worship songs?
Written recently to use in worship. Usually accompanied by modern instruments, sound more upbeat, sung in church. Help people to feel involved in worship. Some people think they are disrespectful as move focus off God, some think it’s more accessible today
What are mass settings?
Parts of the mass that are rather sung than said. Simpler mass strings allow people to become involved in the worship. Helps the mass appeal to the whole creation
What are acclamations?
Certain parts of the mass which highlight the praise and celebration of God
Give examples of acclamations used in the mass
The Gloria, Alleluia, Sanctus and mystery of faith in the mass help to praise God in different ways
What does Deuteronomy 6:4 explain about the triune God?
This verse stresses how there is only one God, ‘the Lord alone”. Through the teachings of Jesus in the NT, christians have come to believe that God is three persons. Even though there are three separate persons, they are still only one God. This verse is important as if founds the base of the Trinity
How does Matthew describe the baptism of Jesus?
The holy spirit is the love that unites the father and the son. The Holy Spirit is represented by the dove which comes down from God the father to stay with Jesus. The father is the voice from heaven. The father calls Jesus his son.
Jesus’ baptism is when God reveals himself as the trinity. It shows how all three people coexist at once.
What is Galatians 4:6?
Explains the relationship between the Trinity and a Christian. Christians are Gods children and brothers and sisters to Jesus. God the Father pours the Holy Spirit into the hearts of Christians, this is the love that unites the father and son, and it fills the person with grace
What does the Nicene creed teach about the trinity?
God the father is creator of all, God the father and God the son are eternal, there is no distinction in nature between the Father and the son, the son took on limitations to become Jesus, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, he suffered and died as a human being . The Holy spirit gives life to all things, the holy spirit comes from both the father and the son uniting them in love, inspires people to do the will of God
What does Genesis teach about the trinity?
The Father created the universe, the Holy spirit was involved in the creation of the universe, God created the earth with his word or the son of God
How does the belief in the Trinity influence christians?
The Holy Spirit is the love of the Father and the son which enters peoples lives as grace and inspires them to show love to others.
What is Mission?
Mission is sending out people to help others, for example missionaries from the church may work with people in poverty. Missionaries want to show God through their actions and believe they should love others as God loves them.
What is Evangelism?
Evangelism means preaching the good news about Jesus to other people and evangelists share their knowledge and experience of christianity to influence the lives of others. Evangelists are influenced by the Holy Spirit to share their knowledge of God’s love with others and want others to experience what they do
What happens in Mark 1:9-11?
Matthew’s account of Jesus’ baptism is very similar to Mark’s account. It confirms God is a trinity of persons. The presence of the Trinity at Jesus’ baptism shows the importance of the trinity in Jesus’ works and teachings. It means that the Trinity was involved in the salvation brought about by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
What happens in Galatians 4:6-7?
Shows that like Jesus,christians are the children of God. They have an intimate relationship with God and are able to call him father. It also shows how the Holy Spirit is shared with all believers and gives believes the strength and conviction to except their relationship with God the father. The relationship between the trinity is shared with the believer as the Holy Spirit is the same spirt that filled Jesus at his baptism
What are St Augustine’s teachings on the trinity?
He wrote a text called On the trinity which explained: the Bible states that God is love and love can’t exist on its own as there must be someone to receive and give it therefore there must be three things- the person who loved-the person who is love- and the person who loves them therefore the Trinity can be seen as the three persons united in love. The Father and Son love each other and the holy spirit unites them. The holy spirit pours out into the hearts and lives of believers sharing God’s love with all people . He focused on the relationship between the Trinity.
What are Catherine lacugna’s teachings on the Trinity?
The Son comes from the father but always existed as part of God., so is eternally coming from God. The Holy Spirit eternally unites the Father and Son. The eternal love constantly flows out to the whole of creation. The Son came from the father to save humanity bringing redemption. The Holy Spirit is continually guiding believers to the Father. Once redemption is complete all things will be brought back to God
She explained the importance of the outward effects of the trinity more. She throught the best way to understand God was to understand God’s actions in people’s lives
Explain the authority of the Magisterium
Jesus’ closest followers became known as the 12 apostles and when they went to a new area to preach they would choose someone to lead the church. This person became the bishop. Since the leader of the apostles, Peter died, there has been an unbroken succession Bishops of Rome. The Bishop of Rome is known as the Pope and is the head of the Catholic church. The Pope and Bishops form the magisterium which is the teaching authority of the catholic church.
Explain the council or Nicaea
When bishops and the Pope gather together to discuss and make decisions it is known as a council. Catholics believe their decisions to be infallible as they are guided by God
Discussed how some believed only God the father to be eternal and not God the son. The council confirmed that the son is eternally begotten from the father and they have always coexisted together and are both equal and of the same nature .
Explain the council of constantinoble
Further disputes about the Trinity belief including the nature pf Jesus and led the bishops to call a second council to reform catholic beliefs. They confirmed that the Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity and that they are fully God. Jesus is both fully God and fully human
As a result of these councils the nicene creed was produced which is a statement of faith that all Catholics accept which set out the church’s belief about the trinity and Jesus
What is the symbolism of Baptism?
Symbolises the start of a new life as a Christian and symbolises joining in with Jesus’ death and resurrection. People used to be fully submerged in water when baptised to symbolise going into the tomb. The person being baptised commits their life to God and begins a new life as a Christian. Nowadays water is poured over people’s heads but joining in with Jesus’ death and resurrection is still important.
The use of the water in baptism symbolises the holy spirit and during baptism a person is filled with the Holy Spirit which sustains the beliver’s faith and commitment to God.
Explain the importance of Baptism
Christians join in with the death and resurrection of Jesus,to share Chris’s power over the power of sin and death. Initiation when a person becomes a member of the church and a child of God. It cleanses a person of all their sins. Fills them with the Holy Spirit to give them the strength to resist sin. Pledge that they will join God in heaven. Shares the life of the trinity with the person
Baptised in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit thus sharing the life of the trinity
What is prayer?
A conversation between a person of God. When a person opens up to God and communicates with him. They are inspired by the Holy Spirit. The highest form of prayer is Jesus sacrificing himself.
What is the difference between spontaneous and traditional prayers?
Traditional prayers: which are prayers with set words passed down by generations. People may prefer this because they don’t have to worry about using the right words, familiar words are comforting, explore the words deeply
Spontaneous prayer: has no set words or formats and christians believe the Holy Spirit is guiding them on what to say. Christians may prefer to use this because they can open up to God about their personal concerns and worries. Individual relationship with God. Comes from the heart and reflects their feelings
What is the purpose of physical postures?
They assist prayer and help to show the intention behind the prayer. Some postures emphasise respect and humility such as kneeling, some the praise of God such as bowing and some asking for God’s help such as joined hands
Kneeling: a sign of humility,shows the person acknowledges God’s authority and submits to their will. Its a position asking for forgiveness
Genuflecting: a sign of respect, catholics use it at the tabernacle to acknowledge christ’s presence
Prostrating: a sign of total humility and submission to God. A position pleading for help and mercy. Shows the person has given themselves up to God