Chapter 3: The Orbital Cavity Flashcards
How many individual bones form the orbit? Name them.
- maxilla, palantine, zygomatic, sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, lacrimal
What forms the supraorbital margin?
Frontal bone.
What forms the infraorbital margin?
Laterally by the zygomatic bone.
Medially by the maxilla.
What forms the lateral margin?
Frontal process of the zygomatic bone below.
Zygomatic process of the frontal bone above.
What is the strongest part of the orbital margin?
Lateral margin.
What forms the medial margin?
Above by the maxillary process of the frontal bone.
Below by the lacrimal crest of the frontal process of the maxilla.
The concave roof (superior wall) is formed by what?
The orbital plate of the frontal bone (and to a small extent by the lesser wing of the sphenoid posteriorly).
What is the orbital roof invaded by anteromedially?
The frontal air sinus.
What is the anterolateral depression in the roof of the orbital cavity?
The lacrimal fossa (houses the orbital part of the lacrimal gland).
Describe the location of the spine for the pulley of the superior oblique muscle.
Medial to the supraorbital notch.
4mm behind the orbital margin.
What does the roof separate the orbital cavity from?
Anterior cranial fossa and frontal lobe.
What forms the thin inferior wall of the orbital cavity? (3)
(1) The orbital plate of the maxilla
(2) Orbital surface of the zygomatic arch
(3) Small orbital process of the palatine bone.
What does the orbital plate of the maxilla separate the orbital cavity from?
The maxillary sinus.
What separates the floor from the lateral wall posteriorly (it is connected anteriorly)?
The inferior orbital fissure.
The inferior orbital fissure is continuous with which groove?
The infraorbital groove.
At about the midpoint of the orbital floor, the infraorbital groove becomes the ……?
The infraorbital canal.