chapter 3 - the missionary spirit of the early church Flashcards
what happens if you repent and are baptised
sins will be forgiven
you will receive the gift of the holy spirit
way of salvation for us
church is
a continuation of jesus
early church
community who participated with zeal in teachings of apostles, communion etc.
community of faithful had
one heart and soul
how was community led to
inspiration of holy spirit
heart-to-heart relationship formed by
faith in resurrected lord
church shows identity by
communion with jesus
unity among members of church
gravity of sin made clear through
death of ananias and saphiera
deacons appointed to
maintain and strengthen community in church communities
deacons appointed to
maintain and strengthen community in church communities
power of communion formed through
true power centre of church
service of breaking bread
breaking of bead was celebrated
in commemoration of last supper
participation in holy eusharist gave them
special powers in struggles and crises
made them grow in life of faith