Chapter 3- ser vs estar Flashcards
use “soy” when talking about
characteristics, occupation, origin
use “estoy” when talking about
actions, emotions, location
quien eres
who are you?
I am Kim
Soy Kim
I am honest
Soy honesto/a
I am brave
Soy valiente
I am nice, gentle, friendly, kind
Soy amable (ah-mah-bleh)
I am a woman/ man
Soy mujer/ hombre
I am Mexican
Soy mexicano/a
I am American
Soy americano/a
I am from the USA
Soy de Estados Unidos
I am from Mexico
Soy de Mexico
What do you do for a living?
A que te dedicas
I am a nurse
Soy enfermero/a
I am a financial manager
Soy gerente financiero (heh-ren-teh fee-nan-cee-ero)
I am an airplane mechanic
soy mecánico de aviones
How are you?
Como estas
I am very well
Estoy muy bien
I am busy
Estoy ocupado/a
I am bored
Estoy aburrido/a
I am scared
Estoy asustado/a
I am a bit sad
Estoy un poco triste
I am a little bit tired
Estoy un poquito cansado/a
I am frustrated
Estoy frustrado/a
What are you doing?
Que estas haciendo?
I am eating/cooking
Estoy comiendo/cocinando
I am studying/ working
Estoy estudiando/ trabajando
I am practicing my Spanish
Estoy practicando mi espanol
Donde estas
Where are you?
I am home
Estoy en la casa
I am at the beach
Estoy en la playa
I am in my car
Estoy en mi carro / coche
I am outside/ inside
Estoy afuera/ adentro
I am in the pool
Estoy en la piscina (pee-seen-ah)
I am (estar)
You are (estar)
He/She is (estar)
We are (estar)
They are (estar)
I am (ser)
You are (ser)
He /She is (ser)
We are (ser)
They are (ser)
I am very happy today
estoy muy feliz / alegre hoy
I am buying some things at the grocery store
Estoy comprando unas cosas en el supermercado
You are doing a good job
Estas haciendo un buen trabajo
Are you ok?
Estas bien?
He is driving
El esta manejando
She is visiting her sister
Ella esta visitando a su hermana
We are about to get there
Estamos a punto de llegar
we are all here
Estamos todos aqui
They are excited to see you
Estan emocionados por verte
The keys (they) are hanging
Las llaves estan colgadas
I am a hard working person
Soy una persona trabajadora
I am honest and loyal
Soy honesto/a y leal
You are funny
Eres gracioso/a
Where are you from?
De donde eres
He is a musician
El es musico
She is my friend
Ella es mi amiga
We are from Oklahoma
Somos de oklahoma
We are a close family
Somos una familia unida
They are from texas
Ellos son de texas
My parents are mexican
Mis padres son mexicanos
I have
I was cold/ hot
Tenia frio/ calor
I was sleepy
tenia sueño
I was hungry
tenia hambre
I was 10 years old
tenia diez anos
you were cold
tu tenias frio
he/she was hot
el/ ella tenia calor
we were sleepy
teniamos sueno
they were hungry
ellos tenian hambre
past simple of estar- I was, you were, he/she was, we were, they were
estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, esuvieron
I was in chicago last week
Estuve en chicago la semana pasada
I was tired all evening
Estuve cansado/a toda la tarde
I was waiting for you
estuve esperandote
I was at the fair
estuve en la feria
I was on a trip to mexico
estuve de viaje en mexico
I was with them
estuve con ellos
past imperfect of estar- I was, you were, he/ she was, we were, they were
estaba, estabas, estaba, estabamos, estaban
I was outside when (something happened)
estaba afuera cuando (algo paso)
i was playing video games
estaba jugando videojuegos
i was studying for my exam
estaba estudiando para mi examen
i was talking on the phone and time flew by
estaba hablando por telefono y se me fue el tiempo
i was in a meeting
estaba en una junta
i was cooking when you called me
estaba cocinando cuando me llamaste
i was in my room listening to music
estaba en mi cuarto escuchando musica
i was nervous
estaba nervioso/a
i was in love
estaba enamorado/a
i was working with my brother
estaba trabajando con mi hermano
i was sick
estaba enfermo/a
past simple of ser- i was, you were, he/ she was, we were, they were
fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
i was a member of that organization
fui miembro de esa organizacion
i was invited to their bday party
fui invitado/a a su fiesta de cumpleanos
i was a consierge at that hotel
fui maletero en ese hotel
i was the best candidate
fui la mejor candidato/a
i was very cruel to(with) you
fui muy cruel contigo
i was very short(sarcastic) with him/her
fui muy cortante con el/ella
past imperfect of ser- i was, you were, he/she was, we were, they were
era, eras, era, eramos, eran
i/he/she was a student
era un estudiante
i/he/she was an introvert / extrovert
era introvertido/a , extrovertido/a
i/he/she was shy
era timido/a
i/he/she was naive
era ingenuo/a