Chapter 3 - Semantics Flashcards
a formula is called logically true or a ________ just incase it is true on every truth-value assignment
a formula is called a ___________ just in case it is false on every truth-value assignment
a formula is called a ___________ just in case it is true on some truth-value assignment, and false on others
The conclusion of an argument is a ________ _________ of its premises if and only if any truth-value assignment that makes all the premises true also makes the conclusion true.
logical consequence
An argument is _______ if and only if its conclusion is a logical consequence of its premises.
An argument is ______ in case it is not valid, that is, if there is some truth-value assignment that makes the premises true, but the conclusion false.
A truth-value assignment that makes the premises of an argument true and its conclusion false is called a _________ to the argument.