Chapter 3 Review (Life): Provisions, Options, Riders Flashcards
Straight Life
Basic whole life insurance with a level face amount and fixed premiums payable over the insured’s entire life. (payments made until insured’s death or age 100.)
Whole life insurance where the insured is covered for his entire life, but premiums are paid for a limited time. As the premium payment period shortens, cash value increase faster, and fixed premiums are higher. (remain in effect until death or age 100)
Limited Pay Whole Life
When one lump-sum premium payment for whole life coverage is used to create a life insurance policy, what type of policy is created?
In this kind of policy:
1. An immediate nonforfeiture value is created
2. An immediate cash value is created
3. A large part of the premium is used to set up the policy’s reserve.
Single Premium Whole Life
Modified Whole Life
Low premiums in the early years and jumps to a higher premium in the later years and remains fixed thereafter. (Premiums just increase once.)
Under a typical _____ Whole Life policy, the premium increases yearly for a stated number of years, then remains level. (Ex: starting out small, increasing annually over 5 years till leveling out for the rest of the policy period.)
Graded Whole Life
Usually, the family head is covered with a whole life (permanent) policy, and the spouse + kids are added on with level term life riders (family term riders).
(Children policies usually convertible at age 18 or 21 without proof of insurability. Premium doesn’t change based on the number of kids.)
This form of policy can be categorized under:
Family Plan Policies
Whole life and decreasing term insurance (begins date of purchase). Gives monthly income to beneficiary if death occurs during a specified period after date of purchase. If the insured dies outside the specified period, only the face value is paid to the beneficiary since the decreasing term insurance has expired.
Family Income Policies
Family Maintenance Policy
Whole life and level term (begins date of death). Provides income to a beneficiary for a selected period of time if an insured die during that period. At the end of the income-paying period, the beneficiary also receives the entire face amount of the policy. Only the face amount will be received if the insured dies after the term policy expires.
Multiple Protection Policies
Pays a benefit double or triple the face amount if death occurs during a specified period. After that period, only the face amount would be paid in the event of death. The period can be for a specified number of years, or till a certain attained age. Combines permanent insurance with level term insurance.
Joint Life Policy
A policy that covers two or more people. The age of the insureds are “averaged” and a single premium is charged. It uses permanent insurance and pays a death benefit when one of the insureds dies. The survivors then have the option of purchasing an individual policy without evidence of insurability.
(They will pay a lower premium than having the same policy on each of themselves separately.)
Joint and Survivor Policy
Also known as a survivorship life policy, this one covers two lives, but the benefit is paid upon the death of the last surviving insured.
(Once again, lower premium than two individual policies.)
Interest-Sensitive Whole Life
a type of whole life insurance where the cash value can increase beyond the stated guarantee if economic conditions warrant. Can be called current assumption whole life insurance (CAWL). Insured gets to either increase the face amount or use the extra cash value to lower future premiums. Premiums can vary based on the insurer’s changing assumptions on its death, investment, and expense factors.
(CAWL policies are almost always a MEC (Modified Endowment Contract) due to accelerated premiums.
Adjustable Life Policies
are distinguished by their flexibility that comes from combining term and whole life insurance into one plan.
Four Adjustable Life Policy Benefits
- Policyowner determines how much face amount protection is needed and how much premium they want to pay.
- Allows you to vary your coverage as your needs change without requiring evidence of insurability.
- No new policy needs to be issued when changes are desired.
- Adjustable life has all the usual features of level premium cash value life insurance.
Universal Life
is a variation of whole life insurance, characterized by considerable flexibility.
Six Benefits of Universal Life
- Changes may be made with relative ease by the policyowner with these flexible-premium policies.
- Investment Gains go towards cash value.
- Unlike whole life, universal life allows its policyowners to determine the amount and frequency of premium payments which will adjust the policy face amount.
- Basic characteristics of a universal life policy are flexible premiums, flexible benefits, no minimum death benefit, and cash value withdrawals.
- Cash value accumulations are subject to a minimum interest guarantee.
- Any surrender charges of a universal policy must be disclosed.
Allows policyowners to tie accumulation values to a stock market index, like the S&P 500. _____ policies typically contain a minimum guaranteed fixed interest rate component along with the indexed account option. These give policyholders the security of fixed universal life insurance with the growth potential of a variable policy linked to indexed returns.
Equity Index Universal Life Insurance (EIUL)
Modified Endowment Contracts (MEC)
A policy that is overfunded, according to IRS tables, is classified as a MEC. Policies that do not meet the 7-pay test are considered MEC’s and will lose favorable tax treatment.
(This is a limitation on the total amount you can pay into your policy in the first seven years of its existence.)
Four facts about MEC’s
- If withdrawn prior to age 59 1/2, there is a 10% tax penalty.
- Taxation only occurs when cash is distributed.
- Funds withdrawn from a MEC are subject to last-in first-out (LIFO) tax treatment, which assumes that the investment or earnings portion of the contract’s values is withdrawn first, making these funds fully taxable as ordinary income.
- Penalty taxes on premature distributions from a MEC normally apply to policy loans.
Note about variable insurance products
Because of the transfer of investment risk from the insurer to the policyowner, variable insurance products are considered securities contracts as well as insurance contracts. A producer is required to register with the National Association of Securities Dealers to sell variable products.
Variable Whole Life Insurance
Helps with inflation. Main difference from normal whole life is how its values are invested. the values are invested in the insurer’s separate accounts which house common stock, bond, money market, and other securities investment options. These are riskier but potentially higher-yielding.
Basic Characteristics of Variable Life Policy
Fixed premiums, a guaranteed minimum death benefit which fluctuates over the minimum, and cash values which fluctuate and are not guaranteed.
Combines all the characteristics of universal life and variable life. Contract owner gets to fully decide which of the available separate accounts to use.
The “_____” component refers to the ability to invest in separate accounts whose values vary because they are invested in stock and/or bond markets. The _____ component refers to the flexibility the owner has in making premium payments.
(Evidence of insurability can be required for an individual covered by a _____ _____ life policy when the death benefit is increased.)
Variable Universal Life
All of these statements about Equity Indexed Life Insurance are correct, EXCEPT:
The premiums can be lowered or raised, based on investment performance.