Chapter 3 - Rate Processes Part 1 Flashcards
true or false
there is a graph of concentration vs time.
the slop of this graph indicates a rate
FALSE - NOT A RATE. indicates a relationship between 2 values
rate is related to TIME
rate processes in pharmacokinetics follow the principles of ____
the term kinetics refers to ____ or ____
study of…
motion or movement
study of the rate of change
rate equation
dc/dt - (C) ^n
dc/dt = change in conc/change in time (rate)
C = concentratin
n= order of reaction
what 2 orders of reactions are typically the only ones to happen in our body
zero and first order
true or false
in zero order kinetics, the rate of the reaction is dependent on the concentration of the reactions
FALSE - rate is INDEPENDENT of concentration of the reactants
in a ZERO ORDER reaction, what will happen to these values if the dose is doubled:
-t 1/2
rate stays the SAME, but half life doubles
units of Ko
formula for half life in a zero order reaction
t1/2 = Co/2Ko
true or false
for a zero order reaction, Ko is the same for each drug and will ONLY CHANGE if it is a different drug
formula for Ko and formula for Ct
Ko = (C2-C1)/(T2-T1)
Ct = Co - Kot
true or false
if a graph is concentration vs time, the slop value is the rate
TRUE - bc involves conc/over a period of TIME
slope of a zero order reaction
for zero order kinetics, t1/2 is the time at which 50% of ____ is reached
for same drug different dose zero order kinetics, Ko does not change but Co does
a product degrades by zero order kinetics. the initial amount in formulation A was 50mg, and the active ingredient degrades almost completely in 100 days.
how long for it take for the same drug, but this time with an initial concentration of 200mg, to degrade?
400 days
Ko is constant!!!!! regardless if Co of the same drug changes or not. t1/2 is different tho!
y=mx + b
explain what each means (zero order kinetics)
y = Ct
m = -ko
b = Co
true or false
2 products have the same zero order rate constant. regardless of initial concentration, each will have the same half life
the one with higher Co will have a longer half life
t1/2= Co/2Ko
true or false
the rate of a first order reaction depends on the concentration of the reactants
for a first order reaction, how will the rate vary based on concentration?
the higher the concentration, the faster the rate
**basic difference between zero order and first order kinetics
for zero order, the rate of the reaction for a given drug is the SAME, REGARDLESS OF THE CONCENTRATION
for first order, the rate of the reaction IS DEPENDENT of the concentration of the reactants. the higher the concentration, the faster the rate
units of K for a first order reaction
true or false
for first order kinetics, the t 1/2 is CONSTANT FOR EVERY DRYG
true or false
rate constant is not always positive
FALSE - it always should be
true or false
if you double the dose of a drug that follows 1st order kinetics, the rate will change
true or false
a graph is plotted of concentration vs time and it is not a straight line. this indicates 1st order kinetics
FALSE - all it indicates is that it is NOT ZERO ORDER