Chapter 3: Qualitative characteristics Fin. Infor of Flashcards
- On what does IFRSs formulate?
- IFRSs are formulated on the basis of the IASB’s Conceptual Framework.
- The main underlying assumption for financial statements is going concern (действующее предприятие).
[C3/2/2.1] What is and what is not the Conceptual Framework for financial reporting?
The Conceptual framework is:
- a set of principles which underpin the foundations of fin. accounting.
- a conceptual framework on which all IFRSs are based, prepared.
is not:
- An accounting standard by itself.
[C3/2/2.2.1]What is going concern concept?
- One important underlying assumption for fin. statements.
- The entity is a going concern and will continue operation in the foreseeable future (12m).
- The assets of an entity should not be values at their “break-up” value.
[C3/2/2.2.2] What is accruals basis concept?
How the transactions are recorded and reported according to accruals basis concept?
- The effects of transactions and other events are recognised when they occur. Not when the cash or other equivalent is received or paid.
- They are recorded in the accounting records and reported in fin. statements of the periods to which they relate.
[C3/2/2.2.2]What is matching convention?
In computing profit, revenue earned must be matched against expenditure incurred in earning it.
[C3/3]What are two fundamental qualitative characteristics?
- Relevance (useful, timely basis information release). It is affected by materiality of information.
- Faithful representations (complete, neutral free from error).
[C3/3-4.2]What are 4 enhancing qualitative characteristics?
- Comparability and consistency (identify and understand differences and similarities).
- Verifiability (information represents the economic phenomena it purports to represent faithfully).
- Timeliness (availability of information to decision-makers in time).
- Understandability (Classifying, characterising and presenting information clearly and concisely).
[C3/4/4.3] The business entity concept?
Fin. statements always treat business as a separate entity even if the law is not recognising it as a separate legal entity.