Chapter 3 (Project Manager Role) Flashcards
Active listening
The message receiver restates what’s been said to fully understand and confirm the message.
This provides an opportunity for the sender to clarify the message if needed.
Active problem solving
Start with problem definition.
Problem definition is the ability to discern between the cause and effect of the problem.
Root-cause analysis looks beyond the immediate symptoms to the cause of the symptoms which then affords opportunities for solutions.
Avoiding power
The project manager refuses to act, get involved, or make decisions.
Expert power
The PM has deep skills and experience in the discipline.
Ingratiating power
The PM tries to gain favor with the project team and stakeholders through flattery.
Informational power
The PM has power and control of data gathering and distribution of information.
Guilt-based power
The PM can make the team and stakeholders feel guilty to gain compliance in the project.
Personal or charismatic power
The PM is liked by others.
Pressure-based power
The PM restricts choices to get the team to perform and do work.
Positional power
The PM has power because of the position they are in.
Also called formal, authoritative, and legitimate power.
Punitive or coercive power
The PM can punish the team.
Referent power
The PM is respected due to past work with the team.
Reward power
The PM can reward the project team.
Situational power
The PM has power due to changes in the org.
Charismatic leadership
Leader is motivating, high energy, inspires the team. Positive with can-do mentality.
Interactional leadership
Hybrid of transnational, transformation, and charismatic.
Is excited about the project but will still hold the team accountable.
Leadership is about aligning, motivating, and inspiring.
Do the right thing, build trust, be creative.
Laissez faire leadership
Hands off approach. Project team makes the decisions and goals. Provides autonomy but makes the leader absent.
Uses positional power to maintain, administrate, control, and focus on getting things done. Does not challenge the status quo.
Project Manager
Leads project team and manages the project resources to achieve the project objectives.
Servant leadership
Supports the project team with whatever they need. Provides opportunity for growth, education, and autonomy.
Transactional leadership
Reward the top, punish the bottom, and ignore the middle.
Transformational leadership
Inspires and motivates the project team to achieve project goals.
Media selection
Media is selected based on the audience and message being send.
Meeting management
How the meeting is led, managed, and controlled all influence the message being delivered.
Structure is important (agendas, minutes, and order)
The presenters body language, visual aids, and handouts influence the message being delivered.
PMI talent triangle
Three areas of PDUs: technical project management, leadership, and strategic and business management.
Professional Development Units. Earned to maintain PMP certification. more than half must come from education
Sender-receiver models
Requires a sender and receiver. Multiple avenues to complete the flow of communication but barriers to effective communication may exist.
Tone, structure, and formality of the message. These should be aligned with the audience and the content of the message.