Chapter 3- Preferences Flashcards
Assumptions about preferences: Completeness
Any two bundles can be compared
X1, X2) > (Y1,Y2
Any bundle is at least as good as itself
X1,X2) >~(X1, X2
If (X1, X2) >~ (Y1, Y2) and (Y1, Y2) >~ (Z1, Z2) then (X1, X2) >~ (Z1, Z2)
Perfect substitutes
Two goods are perfect substitutes if the consumer is willing to substitutes one good for the other at a constant rate.
Linear indifference curves
Ex. Slope =-2, (must be given 2 units of good 2 in order to give up one unit of good 1
Perfect compliments
Goods that are always consumed together in fixed proportions
L-shaped indifference curves because adding one extra unit of one good does not increase utility. With the vertex of the L occurring where the number of good 1 and 2 are equal (in a 1 to 1 proportion I.e left and right shoes)
Weakly monotonic ( moving up and to the right does not mean we are strictly better off)
A bad is a commodity that the consumer doesn’t like. For example if the pepperoni and anchovies, there may be some amount of pepperoni that makes up for having to consume anchovies. And in order to make this compromise the increase in pepperoni must be greater than the increase in anchovies.
This upward sloping indifference curves />/ utility increase down and to the right because that symbolizes decreasing anchovies and increasing pepperoni
Neutrals are goods the consumer doesn’t care about.
Indifference curves are vertical lines. A consumer who is neutral about anchovies doesn’t care whether they decrease or increase they only care about the pepperoni, utility increase to the right (I > I > I)
Where there is some overall best bundle for the consumer, and the “closer” he is to that best bundle the better off he is in terms of his own preferences.
Bliss point.
Discrete good
A good that is only available in integer amounts
Indifference curve looks like a set of discrete points . The set of bundles at least as good as a given bundle will be a set of line segments
“More is better”
If bundle x is a bundle with at least as much of both goods in bundle y, and more of one then bundle x is strictly preferred to y
Monotony city implies that the slope of indifference curves will be negative because you have to move down and to the left or up and to the right to remain indifferent ( change in goods moves in the opposite direction)
Averages are preferred to extremes
The average bundle will be at least as good or strictly prefers to the two extreme bundles
For any weight τ between 0 and 1 we assume:
(τX1 + (1-τ)Y1, τX2 +(1-τ)Y2) >~ (X1, X2)
Marginal rate of substitution:
Rate at which the consumer is just willing to trade substitute one good for another and remain equally happy.
The slope of the indifference curve
MUx/ MUy
MRS=2/1 ( I would have to revive 2 units of good y in order to give up 1 unit of good x… Or I would give up 2 units of y to get 1 unit of x)
Concave indifference curves
With concave indifference curves you typically want to consume at the extremes because if you take the middle point you will be worse off so to the concavity
Convex indifference curves
A convex set has the property that if you take any two pins in the set and draw a line connecting the two points the line segment lies entirely in the set. (Averages preferred to extremes)
Strictly convex indifference curves
The weighted a average of the two indifferent bundles is strictly preferred to the two extreme bundles.
Must have indifference curves that are rounded