is the systematic gathering of information related to the physical, mental, spiritual, socioeconomic and cultural status of an individual, group of community
patient database
all the pertinent patient data obtained by nurses and other health professionals
subjective data
(covert data, symptoms) is information communicated to the nurse by the client, family, or community
objective data
(overt data, signs) are gathered from a physical assessment or from laboratory or diagnostic tests
primary data
are the subjective and objective data obtained from the client: what the client says or what you observed
secondary data
“second hand” for ex: medical record or from another care-giver
initial (admission) assessment
is first completed when the client first comes to the healthcare agency
ongoing assessment
performed as needed, at any time after the initial database is completed
comprehensive assessment
provides holistic information about the clients overall health status
focused assessment
obtain data about an actual, potential or possible problem that has been identified or suspected
initial focused assessment
used to follow up on client-reported symptoms or unusual findings during first exam
ongoing focused assessment
used to evaluate the status of existing problems and goals
special needs assessment
is a type of focus assessment,provides in-dept information about a particular area of client functioning and often involves using a specially designed form
use of all your senses to gather and interpret patient and environmental data
physical assessment
produces primarily objective data
nursing interview
is purposeful, structured communication in which you question the patient to gather data for the nursing database
directive interviewing
obtain factual, easily categorized information (age, sex) or in an emergency situation
closed questions
are those answered with “yes” “no” or there short factual answer
non-directive interviewing
you allow the patient to control the subject matter
open-ended questions
specify a topic to be explored but phrase it broadly to encourage the patient to elaborate
verify data or double check it, helps ensure that it is complete and factual and that you have not jumped to conclusion
represents a particular way of thinking about clients and health, it indicates which information is significant and guides you in deciding which patient data to obseve
body systems (medical) framework
useful for identifying medical problems
maslow’s hierarchy of needs
basic needs must be met before higher needs can be addressed
what the client says and what you observe
are judgements and interpretations about what the cues mean