Chapter 3 - MiFID and MiFIR Flashcards
What regulation did MiFID replace?
Investment Services Directive (ISD)
What activities are newly covered by MIFID?
- Investment Advice
- Underwriting investments
- Operating an MTF
- Investment in commodities, credit derivatives, CFDs
- Investment research
Which instruments are covered by MiFID?
- Transferable securities
- Money market
- Options, futures and swaps relating to securities, currencies, interest rates and emission allowances.
- Options, futures and swaps relating commodities that are to be settled in cash.
- Options, futures and swaps relating to commodities that are to be physically settled except wholesale, energy products traded on an OTF.
- Derivatives for transferring credit risk
- CFDs
- Climatic variables, freight rates, inflation rates that must be settled in cash and traded on an MTF or OTF.
Which firms are covered by MiFID?
- Investment firms
- Portfolio managment firms
- Stockbrokers
- Commodity dealers
- Futures and Options firms
- Venture capital
- Corporate Finance
- Credit advisers
- Banks
- Exchanges
Which firms are exempt from MiFID
Article 3 exemption for:
- Advice only firms
- Transmission only firms
- Not holding client funds
Article 2.1 - incidental exemption for:
- Insurance
- Employee schemes
- Own account dealing
Which instruments are exempt from MiFID?
- Spot FX
- Unstructured cash deposits
What are the additional firms within the scope of MiFID 2?
- Commodity firms
- Data providers
- Third country firms
What are the additional instruments within the scope of MiFID 2?
- Structured deposits
- Emission allowances
What instruments are now subject to transaction monitoring and reporting under MiFID 2?
Bonds and derivatives.
Under MiFID 2, when must trade reports be published for equities and non-equities.
Within 1 minute - equities
Within 15 mins - non-equities
Under UCITS, what are the requirements for an OEIC to be eligible?
- scheme is solely invested in transferable securities.
- no more than 10% of fund is in shares and bonds of the same issuer
- no more than 5% of assets can be invested in another fund
- only able to hold client money for ancillary liquid cash
- derivatives to only be used for portfolio management and hedging purposes
What did the Management Directive for UCITS do?
- It outlined the extent of capitalisation, administration and accounting that a UCITS fund management company can do.
What did the Products Directive for UCITS do?
- Gave powers to UCITS to invest in money market instruments, CISs, deposits, financial derivatives and index tracking.
What is a key feature of UCITS VI?
- UCITS management company doesn’t have to be in the same state as the fund.
- Master feeder structures - a fund can invest majority of funds in another fund.
- Improved supervisory cooperation
What did the Prospectus Regulation do?
It created a new regime for prospectuses so that once approved by a home state listing authority, the prospectus could be marketed across the the EEA.
It also made it easier and cheaper for issuers to raise finance.
Which firms are affected by EMIR?
Trade repositories, derivatives traders and central counterparites.
What did EMIR introduce for derivatives to be traded on?
OTF - Organised Trading Facility
Trade in which instruments must be reported to the trade repository?
Interest rates Equities Forex Credit Commodity Derivatives
How often can outstanding financial derivatives contracts be reconciled?
Daily, Weekly, Monthly
How often can outstanding financial derivatives contracts be reconciled?
Both counterparties to the trade must report to the trade repository who reports to ESMA.
What is the sourcebook for non-CRD firms with regards to capital adequacy requirements?
What is the sourcebook for non-CRD firms with regards to capital adequacy requirements?
Pillar 1 - min. capital requirements for credit, market and operation risk.
Pillar 2 - Firms and supervisor decide on whether pillar 1 capital requirements are enough.
Pillar 3 - Disclose risks to improve market discipline.
What are the types of firms that are not subject to the CRD (IPRU-INV)?
Tier 1: Permanent share capital, reserves and externally verified profits.
Tier 2: Long term debt and revaluation reserves
Tier 3: Short Term debt and interim trading book profits.
What are the types of firms that are not subject to the CRD (IPRU-INV)?
- Professional firms
- Lloyds underwriters
- Fund managers
- CAD exempt firms with limited business under MiFID
- Service companies
- Financial advisory companies
- Credit unions operating JISAs.
What are the types of firms that are not subject to the CRD (IPRU-INV)?
Personal investment firms were subject not subject ot the CRD were tested with £10,000 of own funds and expenditure based test which restricted the amount of subordinated loans which can be used to meet the firms capital requirements.
What did Basel III try to do?
- Enhance quality and quantity of capital
- Increase Pillar 1 requirements for counterparty risk
- Leverage ratios to be a backstop to risk-based capital
- 2 new capital buffers - capital conservation, counter cyclical capital buffer
- Enhanced liquidity regime
What are the 3 aims for the CRD?
- Hold more and better quality capital
- More regulatory powers for supervisors to monitor banks and sanction them.
- Single rulebook for banking regulation
What is a BIPRU firm and what activities can it carry out?
Firm subject in part to the CRD
a. receive and transmit orders
b. execute orders for clients
c. portfolio management
d. investment advice
What activities cannot be done by a BIPRU firm?
- own account dealing
- underwriting on a firm commitment basis
- underwriting on a non firm commitment basis
- operating a MTF
- Ancillary services - safeguarding assets
What are IFPRU firms?
Firms that are no BIPRU firms and are subject to Corporate Reporting (COREP) on capital requirements.
Also subject to FINREP - consolidated reporting
UCITS and AIFMD firms doing MiFID activity
What is an IFPRU limited license firm?
Not subject to CAD but cannot carryout ancillary activities in relation to safeguarding assets.