Chapter 3 Key Concepts Flashcards
human relations approach
view of organizations that emphasizes the importance of human needs in the workplace
Hawthorne studies
research that attempted to discover aspects of the task environment that would maximize worker output and hence improve organizational efficiency, but which lead to explanations that revolved around the social and emotional needs of workers
Hawthorne effect
the phenomenon whereby mere attention to individuals causes changes in behavior
Hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow’s idea that humans are motivated by a number of basic needs, including physiological, safety, affiliation, esteem, and self-actualization needs
hierarchy of prepotency
lower-level needs have to be satisfied before an individual can move on to higher-level needs
family metaphor
a comparison used to describe a human relations approach that emphasized that people thrive when needs are fulfilled and opportunities are provided for self-actualization
Theory X
assumptions of a manager who is influenced by the most negative aspects of classical management theories; he thinks everyone is lazy
Theory Y
assumptions of a manager who adheres to the precepts of the human relations movement
human resources approach
view of organizations that acknowledges contributions of classical and human relations approaches to organizing an approach that concentrates on the contributions of all employees in reaching organizational goals
managerial/leadership grid
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton’s tool for training managers in leadership styles that would enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness and stimulate the satisfaction and creativity of individual workers
Rensis Likert
founder and longtime director of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan
learning organizations
workplaces that emphasize mental flexibility, team learning, a shared vision, complex thinking, and personal mastery
knowledge management
identifying and harnessing intellectual assets to allow organizations to build on past experiences and create new mechanisms for exchanging and creating knowledge
team management
structuring an organization in ways that maximize the contribution of employees, both individually and collectively
employee involvement
participative processes in the workplace designed to enhance employee commitment and organizational productivity