Chapter 3: Inner Products and Norms Flashcards
Prove that || • || is a continuous function
See chapter 3 notes
Prove that:
1/sqr(n) || v ||<span>2</span> <= || v ||1 <= || v ||2
over V = R^n for any norms || ||1 and || ||2
See notes
Let V be a normed vector space and T be a linear operator on V. Prove that T is continuous at all points in V.
See notes
|| A ||_\infty is a natural matrix norm
A unit sphere in V is enough to compute the matrix norm
|| A ||
Prove that a narural matrix norm is finite.
Hint: unit sphere is finite and T is continuous.
Prove that:
|| Av || <= || A || || v ||
See notes
|| A B || <= || A || || B ||
|| A ||_\infty = maximal absolute column sum of A
|| A ||1 = maximal absolute columns sum of A
Let A ~ B, i.e.
S-1AS = B
Then ||A|| = ||B||.
Let ||A||F = 5, ||B||F= 6. Then ||AB||F can have which of the following values?
- 30
- 31
- 32
- 33
K is Positive Definite implies K is symmetric?
False. This is only true for Real matrices.
K PD implies K = conj (K^T)
True for all F
K = ((1 0), (0 -1)) defines an inner product
False. Only PD matrices define an inner product. K is indefinite
Can two distinct PD matrices K_1 and K_2 define the same inner product?
Yes. If K_1 and K_2 are the matrices of the same opetrator w.r.t. different bases
K = ((1 0), (0 -1)) admits a null direction?
True. x = (a, a) is a null direction for all real a
Every non-singular (invertible) matrix is P.D.
Every P.D. Matrix is non-singular
Suppose K is a real, non-singular, square matrix. Then (KT)-1 = (K-1)T ?
K be a diagonal matrix with non-zero entries. Then K must be P.D.
False. e.g. K = ((1 0), (0 -1)) is not P.D.
K is a diagonal matrix with positive entries, then K is P.D.
K is a diagonal matrix which is P.D. Then K can have a zero entry.
False. That would make K non-invertible.