Chapter 3 Green Flashcards
The authors of the four Gospels of the New Testament—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—and disciples closely associated with them.
The “Good News,” the story of the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and the inau- guration of God’s Kingdom.
A form of preaching used in the early Church that presumed an audience of unbelievers.
A word that means “teach- ing” that described oral teaching to those who had already accepted Jesus.
The public worship and communal worship of the Church.
Anno Domini
A Latin phrase meaning “in the year of Our Lord” used in reference to events that took place after the birth of Jesus Christ.
apocryphal gospels
A group of writings about the life and teaching of Jesus that do not meet Church criteria for inclusion in the New Testament canon. The term apocryphal means “hidden.” Most apocryphal writings date from the second through the fourth centuries, many years after the Apostolic era.
A heresy from the first Christian centuries that taught that Jesus shared secret information or knowledge with only a few people who were guaranteed Salvation. Gnosticism comes from gnosis, the Greek word for “knowledge.” Gnosticism also distrusted material cre- ation, teaching that the hu- man body was evil.
Synoptic Gospels
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke that have so much content in com- mon that they are often studied side by side. The word synoptic comes from the Greek word for “to see together.”
source criticism
The study by Scripture scholars to determine what sources the Gospel writ- ers used to compose their works.
form criticism
A type of literary criticism used by Scripture scholars that analyzes and com- pares different literary forms used in the Gospels.
redaction criticism
A scholarly approach to the study of Scripture that at- tempts to see how each of the Gospel writers edited, or redacted, materials for that Gospel’s audience.
textual criticism
Scripture study that looks to the various early manu- scripts of the biblical texts.
historical criticism
An approach to Scripture analysis that tries to dis- cover what evangelists re- ally wanted to say when they wrote a particular text.
A Greek word that means “witness,” referring to those who were put to death because of their religious beliefs.