chapter 3 expresate boxes Flashcards
No te olvides de…
Don’t forget to
?Has pensando en…?
Have you thought about…?
Seria una buena/mala idea romper con…
It would be a good/bad idea to break up with…
Sugiero que no hagas caso a los rumores
I suggest that you not pay attention to rumores
No te conviene…
It’s not good for you…
Date tiempo para pensarlo
Give yourself time ti think about it
Te juro que no lo volvere a hacer.
I swear I’ll never do it again
Perdoname. No se en que estaba pensando.
Forgive me. i don”t know what I was thinking.
Creeme que fue sin querer.
believe me, I didn’t mean to do it.
No lo hice a proposito
I didn’t do it on purpose
No quise hacerte dano
I didn’t mean to hurt you.
No quise ofenderte
I didn’t mean to offend you.