Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Energy Flashcards
Referring to matter that intercepts radiation and absors part or all of it; exposed.
Center of a living cell; spherical mass of protoplasm that contains the genetic material (DNA) that is stored in its molecular structure.
Center of an atom that contains neutrons and protons.
Quantum Theory
Theory in the physics of matter smaller than an atom and of electromagnetic radiation.
Quantum An x-ray photon.
Standard of measurement
Process of converting alternating current to direct current.
Electromagnetic Energy
Type of energy in x-rays, radio waves, microwaves, and visible light.
Any drug, chemical or biologic entity.
Smallest particle of an element that cannot be divided or broken by chemical means.
Passage of an x-ray beam through an anatomical part with no interaction with atomic structures.
Ionizing Radiation
Radiation capable of ionization.
Infrared light
Light that consists of photons with wavelengths longer than those of visible light but shorter than those of microwaves.
A proton or a neutron.
Useful Beam
Primary radiation used to form an image.
Distance between similar points on a sine wave; the length of one cycle.
Referring to a tissue or material that absorbs x-rays and appears bright on a radiograph.
Term used to loosely describe the sensitivity of film to x-rays.
Law of conservation of matter
Principle that states that matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
Interactions among different energies, forces, or masses that cannot be seen nut can be described mathematically.
Process by which an electron is given up by a chemical to neutralize a positive ion.
X-ray imaging system
X-ray system designed for radiography, tomography, or fluoroscopy.
Process of transferring the results of a computation from primary memory to storage or to the user.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Continuum of electromagnetic energy.
That which changes the motion of an object, a push or a pull. Expressed in newtons (N).
Visible light
Radiant energy in the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.
Referring to a tissue or material that transmits x-rays and appears dark on a radiograph.
Reduction in radiation intensity that results from absorption and scattering.
Number of cycles or wavelengths of a simple harmonic motion per unit time.
Expressed in Hertz (Hz).
1 Hz = 1 cycle/s.
Material that allows heat or electric current to flow.
Collection of cells of similar structure and function.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Oscillating electric and magnetic fields that travel in a vacuum with the velocity of light.
Includes x-rays, gamma rays, and some nonionizing radiation (such as ultraviolet, visible, infrared and radio waves)