Chapter 3 - Electoral Systems Flashcards
Result of an election where the winner only has to obtain more votes than any of their opponents individually (not necessarily an absolute majority).
Should FPTP be retained?
In favour
Easy to understand, clear result quickly.
Close constituency-MP bond.
Produces clear winner - strong, stable, decisive gov’t.
Prevents small parties breaking in system (good if they’re extremists).
Abandoning would be dangerous step into unknown with possible unintended consequences.
2011 referendum said no to change.
Elections with complex concerns allow votes to choose candidates based on individual attitudes.
Should FPTP be retained?
Arguments against
Not proportional or fair.
Many votes are wasted (produces electoral deserts).
Votes are of unequal value (marginal vs. safe).
Voters sometimes have to vote tactically.
Winning majority historically doesn’t have more than half of popular vote.
2015 and 2017 returned gov’ts without overall majority; it isn’t working anymore.
Additional member system (AMS)
Broadly proportional; fair.
Two votes = more choice.
Preserves constituencies but makes it proportional too.
Helps small parties.
AMS negatives
Two classes of representative; own is more powerful than the other.
More complex; can confuse voters.
Can elect extremist candidates.
Single transferable vote (STV)
Broadly proportional.
Very wide choice of candidates.
Can vote for different candidates within a party/ between parties and show preference.
Helps small parties and independent candidates.
STV negatives
Complicated and takes a long time.
Helps extremists get elected.
Unclear accountability.
Supplementary vote
Genuine overall majority for winner.
First and second choices are relevant.
Supplementary vote
Winner may not have majority of first choices.
May win on second choices.
Purest form of democracy; pure will of the people.
Can mend rifts in society (Belfast Agreement 1998).
Expressed consent of the people.
People are much more informed than ever before.
People may not understand complexities of issues.
Cause social rifts (Brexit 2016).
Excessive use may undermine authority of representative democracy.
Tyranny of the majority.
Voters maybe swayed by emotional rather than rational appeals, or be influenced by false info.
Some issues are too complex for simple yes/ no vote.