Chapter 3 - Double-Entry and the Accounting Equation Flashcards
What are double-entry accounts?
They record financial transactions and are written up from the books of prime entry e.g. DAY BOOKS and CASH BOOKS.
What are the 4 types of financial transactions that Double - Entry accounts record?
- ) What is owed on credit by individual CUSTOMERS as a result of SALES.
- ) What is owed on credit to individual SUPPLIERS as a result of PURCHASES.
- ) Income Items.
- ) Expense Items.
How are double-entry accounts organised?
They are grouped in different ledgers ( for CREDIT SALES, CREDIT PURCHASES and general accounts ).
Sales Ledger, Purchases Ledger and General Ledger.
What is a ‘T’ account?
It is a way of setting out a double-entry account. There are two sides: (DEBIT on the LEFT), (CREDIT on the right).
What is a bank account?
A separate record of the money paid into and out of the bank.
How are DEBIT and CREDIT used when dealing with a bank statement?
Debit - Payment OUT of a customer’s account
Credit - Payment INTO a customer’s account
How are DEBIT and CREDIT used when dealing with a bank statement?
Debit - Money paid INTO the bank
Credit - Money paid OUT of the bank
What 3 entries are always DEBITs?
Other account entry is CREDIT side of Bank Account
- ) Purchases
- ) Expenses
- ) Assets Bought
What 3 entries are always CREDITs?
Other account entry is DEBIT side of Bank Account
- ) Sales
- ) Capital
- ) Loans
What is the difference between paying for cash sales and sales made on CREDIT terms?
Cash Payment - Paying STRAIGHTAWAY
Credit Terms - Paying at a LATER date
What are the double-entry rules for changes in ASSETS, LIABILITIES and CAPITAL?
( Debit and Credit )
- An increase in asset
- A decrease in a liability
- A decrease in asset
- A increase in a liability
- An increase in capital
What 4 pieces of information is provided when balancing accounts?
- ) Amount owing to each supplier ( Trade Payable ) - CREDITORS
- ) Amount owed by each customer ( Trade Receivable ) - DEBTORS
- ) Amount of sales and purchases and expenses
- ) Amount of VAT due to, or from HM Revenue and Customs
How are the accounts set out on the purchase ledger, sales ledger and general ledger?
Purchase Ledger - Suppliers who have supplied on credit - ‘TRADE PAYABLES’.
Sales Ledger - Customers who have bought on credit - ‘TRADE RECEIVABLES’.
General Ledger - Other accounts including SALES, PURCHASES, VAT, ASSETS , LOANS and EXPENSES.
What are the 3 steps to balancing a Sales Ledger account?