Chapter 3: Demand And Suppy Flashcards
What is a market?
Where buyers and sellers exchange goods and service for monetary values
What is a competitive market?
A market that has many buyers and sellers. Not one buyer nor seller can influence the price of a good or service
What is money price and relative price?
The money price is the monetary value that the good or service has.
The relative price is the ratio of one price to another. (it demonstrates opportunity cost). You divide the money price by the price of the basket (indexing), shows the price relative to other goods/services.
What does the law of demand state?
It states that, all else equal:
Higher price = lower demand
And the inverse relationship^
Why does the law of demand exist?
Because of the substitution and income effect:
Substitution - a good always has substitutes. When the price of a good rises, people are going to find cheaper substitutes
Income effect: when prices rise relative to income, people can’t afford everything that they had previously purchased.
A demand curve is also known as what?
A willingness-to-pay curve
What are the six factors that influence demand?
- price of related goods
- expected future prices
- income
- expected future income and credit
- preferences
- population
How does price of related goods affect demand?
Substitute: a good that can be used in place of another
When the price of a substitute is lower, people will buy that instead
Complement: a good that is used alongside another
When the price of pencils is lower, people will buy more erasers
How does expected future prices affect demand?
When prices are expected to increase, people will buy more at the current moment.
When prices are expected to decrease, people will buy less now
How does income affect demand?
Normal good: when income increases, demand increases (clothes)
Inferior good: when income increases, demand decreases (ramen)
How does expected future income and credit affect demand?
When you are expected to gain income or credit, you will spend more at the current moment
How does population affect demand?
As population increase, demand increases
How does preferences affect demand?
People have different preferences
Trends/ fads
What is quantity supplied
The amount that producers plan on selling at a certain price
What is the law of supply?
The higher the price, the more producers want to sell, the lower the price, the less they want to sell