Chapter 3- CPUs Flashcards
What three components make up a CPU?
- microprocessor
- heat sink
- cooling fan
external data bus
physical communication method between CPU and the RAM; wires connected to CPU that emit and transmit electrical pulses representing binary code
the register is a workspace for the microprocessor; the general purpose registers are AX, BX, CX, and DX
machine language
binary codes that act as commands; placing these as lines of codes on the EDB will give the CPU tasks to complete
instruction set
machine language commands that are understood by a specific CPU
clock wire
a wire that transmits a pulse to the microprocessor which causes it to initialize or complete a command
clock cycle
a single charge to the clock wire
clock speed
maximum number of clock cycles a CPU can handle in a given period of time as determined by its manufacturer
What measurement do we use for oscillating waveforms of electromagnetic energy known as AC?
hertz; 1 hertz is equivalent to one cycle per second
system crystal
the silicon crystal soldered onto a motherboard that determines a CPUs maximum speed for that system; flaws in silicon inside of a CPU determine top speeds for a CPU
How does the quartz oscillator regulate top speed for a computer system?
The quartz oscillator sends a pulse to the clock chip, usually many millions of times in a second. The clock chip increases the pulse by a large multiple and sends it to the clock wire of the CPU. The CPU then interprets these pulses as commands.
random access memory; the CPU will access any line of code (randomly) through the RAM
How many bits makes up a byte?
8 bits
memory controller chip (MCC)
a chip that communicates between the CPU and RAM which allows the CPU to pull any specific line of code from the RAM “spreadsheet”
address bus
second set of wires from the CPU to MCC which tells the MCC which lines of code to grab from the RAM
How many bytes is in a kilobyte?
1,000 (2^10=1024)
How many bytes is in a megabyte?
1,000,000 (2^20= 1,048,576)
How many bytes is in a gigabyte?
1,000,000,000 (2^30= 1,073,741,824)
How many bytes is in a terabyte?
1,000,000,000,000 (2^40= 1,099,511,627,776)
What are the mathematical terms for permutations of the power of two used in measuring memory?
1 kibi= 2^10
1 mebi= 2^20
1 gibi= 2^30
1 tebi= 2^40
arithmetic logic unit
the proto CPU
ARM CPU architecture
descriptor for a type of CPU architecture that is commonly used in phones and tablets
Who are the two major CPU manufacturers?
Intel and AMD
internal CPU design; often changes for the same CPU every couple of years
thermal throttling
more common in mobile devices, when a system accumulates excessive heat and is in danger of damaging the CPU, the CPU will slow to a crawl to cool down the system
thermal design power
how much heat a busy CPU will generate
What is the maximum RAM with 32-bit processing?
4 GB
the ability to run more than one OS at a time
parallel execution
the CPU’s ability to process more than one command
What are the four stages of the pipeline?
- Fetch
- Decode
- Execute
- Write
pipeline stall
when a CPU hits a snag in processing usually due to a complex command
floating point unit
a part of CPU circuitry that allows for more complex math calculations than just integer math
What are the three CPU caches and their characteristics?
L1- smallest and fallest
L2- bigger and slower
L3- biggest and slowest
series of instructions
the result of a duo core or more CPU which can simultaneously process threads
Which CPU cache is shared with multi core processors?
integrated memory controller; optimizes the flow of information from the CPU to motherboard
Intel sockets
LGA 1150 (H3) = Core i3/i5/i7, Pentium, Celeron, Xeon
LGA 1151 (H4) = Core i3/i5/i7, Pentium, Celeron, Xeon
LGA 2011 (R3) = Core i7, Core i7 Extreme Edition, Xeon
LGA 2066 (R4) = Core i5/i7/i9, Xeon
AMD sockets
FM2+ = A-series
AM3+ = FX, Opteron
AM4= Ryzen, A-series
TR4= Ryzen Threadripper
Intel naming conventions
i.e. Intel Core i7 7500 U
i7= brand modifier
7= generation
500= SKU number
U= alpha suffix; desktop ultra-low power
AMD naming conventions
i.e. AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
7= market segment
2= generation
7= performance level
00= model number
X= power suffix; x always indicates high performance