chapter 3 - class notes feb 1st Flashcards
what are these 5 steps referring to:
STEP 1 - Need Recognition
Functional needs
Psychological needs
STEP 2 - Information Search
Internal search for information
External search for information
STEP 3 - Alternative Evaluation
Evaluative criteria
Determinant attributes
STEP 4 - Choice
Customers are ready to buy
STEP 5 - Post purchase
3 potential outcomes
Customer satisfaction
Post Purchase dissonance
Customer loyalty
the consumer decision process
which type of consumer involvement is this:
- greater attention
-deeper processing
high involvement
which type of consumer involvement is this:
- Less attention
- Peripheral processing
low involvement
which step of the consumer decision process is this referring to:
- Functional needs
- Psychological needs
need recognition
which step of the consumer decision process is this referring to:
- Internal search for information
- External search for information
information search
which step of the consumer decision process is this referring to:
- Evaluative criteria
- Determinant attributes
Alternative Evaluation
which step of the consumer decision process is this referring to:
Customers are ready to buy
which step of the consumer decision process is this referring to:
3 potential outcomes
- Customer satisfaction
- Post Purchase dissonance
- Customer loyalty
post purchases
what are these 4 factors referring to:
- personal factors
- psychological factors
- external factors
- societal factors
consumer decision model
- Situational factors
- Social norms
- Time
- Reason for purchase
external factors
- gender, age, stage of life
- lifestyle, activities, interests, opinions
- mood
- personality
personal factors
- motivation
- perception
- learning
- attitude
psychological factors
- culture
- subculture
- social class
- reference groups and opinion leaders
- family
societal factors
what is this list referring to:
- need recognition
- product specification
- supplier search
- proposal search
- order specification
- performance assessment
consumer buying decision model
what are the 3 possible post-purchase outcomes:
- customer satisfaction
- postpurchase dissonance/regret
- customer loyalty
what are the 2 types of consumer buying decisions
- high involvement decision
- low involvement decision
which consumer buying decision am i describing:
- greater attention
- deeper processing
- develops strong attitudes and purchase decisions
high involvement decision
which consumer buying decision am i describing:
- less attention
- peripheral processing
- generates weak attitudes and increased use of cues
low involvement decision
3 types of marketing research
- qualitative
- quantitative
- casual
name 5 stages of maslows pyramid
- physiological
-social - esteem
-self actulization