Chapter 3 Flashcards
Even over confident, overachievers can actually have a very thin veneer that is often ____ and easily _____.
I find that ____, competent, talented singers in volunteer choirs and Christian Schools have much ____ assessment of their musical abilities than I.
For most people, nothing is more ____ transparent than the voice.
Cultivating excellence in music is a _____ goal, but it must not take ______ over the people who make the music.
“People need people who ____ in them, ____ them, and ____ much of them.” -Richard L. Evans
The challenge when dealing with people related problems is to _____ the problems without ______ or _____ the person.
alienating or offending.
Staying out of the middle:
- Recognize psychological games
- Pray for wisdom
- Know where your loyalties lie.
- Encourage face to face discussion.
Sandwich Method:
(+-+) Beginning with a positive statement. Then address the problem. Close with another positive statement.
Proverbs 17:22
“A cheerful heart is good medicine.”
Ways to put more laughter’s in your life:
- Smile, laugh, be cheerful.
- Spend time with family and friends, especially ministry colleagues, who laugh.
- Collect things that make you laugh.
- Be on the lookout for inside jokes in your family, on staff, and in your musical groups.
- Try to look at even your most difficult problems with the eye of an observer seeking out the smallest element that could be seen as amusing, silly, downright hilarious.
- Remember that humor isn’t always appropriate, and avoid laughter that hurts another person.
The advice Jesus gave His disciples:
Matthew 10:16 “ I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
You cant expect to be _____ employee if you don’t make yourself ______. -Donald Trump