Chapter 3 Flashcards
sex cells
germs cells or reproductive cells are either sperm of males or oocytes or immature ova, the egg of females
Somatic Cells
body cells include all other cells except sex cells
the material between the plasma membrane and membrane surrounds the nucleus
intracellular fluid, a mixture of water and various dissolved and insoluble materials, organelles and inclusions are suspended
Plasma Membrane
the outer boundary of the cell, the function is physical isolation, regulation of exchange with the environment, sensitivity to the environment and structural support
control of metabolism, storage, and processing of genetic information, control of protein synthesis
cell’s skeleton, internal protein framework that gives cytosol strength and support, movement of cellular structures and materials
non-motile projections greatly increase the surface area of the cell exposed to the extracellular environment
some are non-motile and motile, motile they beat rhythmically to move fluids or secretions across the cell
whip-like extension of the plasma membrane beat in a wavelike fashion, sperm only human cell that has flagella
organelles responsible for protein synthesis
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
functions as a combination of workshop and shipping warehouse, synthesize proteins
Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum
involved in the synthesis of lipids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates, sequestering of calcium ions, and detoxification
contain digestive enzymes that break organic polymers into monomers
absorb and break down fatty acids and other organic compounds, generate hydrogen peroxide a potentially dangerous free radical
remove proteins form the cytoplasm, remove and recycle damaged or denatured proteins
the organelle that produces energy form ATP molecules
Golgi apparatus
modifies and package secretions, such as hormones, adds or removes carbohydrates to or from proteins to change protein structure, such as hormones, adds or removes carbohydrates to or from proteins to change protein structure, renews or modifies plasma membrane, packages special enzymes within vesicles
functional of heredity, a portion of DNA stand specfic protein
DNA and histones are loosely coiled within the nucleus occurs when cell is not dividing
distinct structures chromatin coiling becomes tighter
movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from one solution to another solution that contains a higher solute concentration
water moves
no osmotic flow takes place and size and shape of the cell look normal
facilitated diffusion
transport by a carrier protein, molecule to be transported bind to a receptor site, the shape of carrier protein in changes and moves a molecule across plasma membrane
passive transport
diffusion of a substance across a biological membrane with no expenditure of energy
Active Transport
ATP provides the energy needed to move ions or molecules across the membrane
packing of extracellular materials into a vesicle for transport into the cell
vesicles called phagosomes form at the plasma membrane to bring particles into the cell, “Cell eating”
vesicles form at the plasma membrane and bring fluids and small molecules into the cell, “cell drinking”
intracellular vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane to release fluids and/or solids from the cells
cell cycle
an ordered sequence of events in the life of a cell, from its origin in division of parent cell until its own division into 2
division of the single-cell nucleus that produces 2 identical daughter cell nuclei
gametes (sex cells) formation, it reduces the number of chromosomes
chromatin condenses, centrioles move to opposite poles and spindle fibers form and extends to chromosomes al, nuclear envelope disappears
chromosomes aligned in the equator of the cell
chromones pair splits and pulled toward opposite ends of the cell
nuclear membrane re-forms, chromosomes gradually uncoil
division of cytoplasm into 2 daughter cells
illness,uncontrolled growth, and replication of affected cells
(neoplasm)is a mass or swelling produced by abnormal cell growth and division
cells usually remain within the tissue where it originated
malignant tumor
cells do not remain confined, spread into the surrounding heart
stimulate cancer formation in affected tissues
the spread of cancer cells from one organ to another
modified genes, a mutation occurs in a gene involved with cell growth, differentiation
the molecule contains, carbon and oxygen in a ratio 1:2;1 carbohydrate is most important as an energy source that is catabolized
simple, sugar, 3 to 7 carbon atoms. glucose is the most important metabolic fuel in the body
2 monosaccharides joined together, for example, sucrose. maltose, lactose
serval monosaccharides joined together, example starch glucose/glycogen
the preferred energy source for most cells and normally the only energy source for neurons
molecule body stores carbohydrates are stored in muscles cells and liver
contain carbon and hydrogen, and oxygen and carbon to hydrogen ratio are near !:2, they contain much less oxygen than do carbohydrates with the same number of carbon atoms. Lipids form essential structural compontents of all cells. Lipids also are important energy reserves
molecules made up of one glycerol and 3 fatty acids
Saturated Fat
a triglyceride with all single bonds, solid at room temperature
Unsaturated Fat
a triglyceride with at least 1 double bond, liquid at room temperature
produced mostly by cells involved with coordinating the responses to injury or disease
released by damaged tissue and stimulate nerve endings and produce the sensation of pain
large lipid molecule that shares a distinctive 4 ring carbon structure, examples of the sex hormones estrogen, and testosterone
has a steroid structure, important form structure of sex hromones
high-density lipoprotein
good lipids, lipoprotein in that removes cholesterol from the blood and is associated with a reduced risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease
low-density lipoprotein
bad lipids, lipoprotein in which cholesterol is transported
in the blood and attaches to blood vessel walls
Anabolic steroids
a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle
a molecule made up of phosphate, one glycerol 2 fatty acids, forms the plasma membrane
Define the state and structure and state the function of the protein
most abundant organic molecules in the human body and many ways most important.proteins have essential functions, support, movement, transport, metabolic regulation, and defense
amnio acids
organic molecules that make up proteins, centra carbon, a hydrogen atom, an amino group, a carboxyl group, and an R group, There are 20 different group
the covalent bond that bonds 2 amino acids together
large peptide chains, many amnio acids together
active site
the region within the enzyme where the substrate binds, it is a special region of the enzyme
the reactant the enzyme reactions on
define the structure and state the function of nucleic acids
nucleic acids make up genetic material, subunits are composed of nucleotides are made up of phosphate 5 different bases and sugar
stands for deoxyribose nucleic acids, it carries the genetic material of cells, its sugar is deoxyribose
stands for ribose nucleic acids perform protein synthesis as directed by DNA
stands for adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that carries a cell’s energy, energy is stored in the phosphate bonds
Type 1
an autoimmune disorder that occurs when T cells attack and destroy most of the beta cells in the pancreas that are needed to produce insulin so that the pancreas makes too little insulin (or no insulin)
Type 2
the body either resists the effects of insulin,” insulin resistance” or does not produce enough insulin to maintain a normal glucose level