Chapter 3 Flashcards
General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials
Metric Designator
Trade size
Metric Designator 155
Trade size __?
Metric Designator 103
Trade Size __?
Metric Designator 91
Trade Size __?
3 1/2
Metric Designator 21
Trade Size __?
Metric Designator 27
Trade Size __?
Metric Designator 53
Trade Size __?
Metric Designator 63
Trade Size __?
2 1/2
Metric Designator 129
Trade Size __?
Metric Designator 78
Trade Size __?
Metric Designator 35
Trade Size __?
1 1/4
Wiring methods specified in Chapter 3 shall be used for _______ volts, nominal or less.
Individual conductors shall be permitted where installed as ________________.
Separate overhead conductors
The requirement to run all circuit conductors within the same raceway, auxiliary gutter, cable tray, trench, cable, or cord shall apply separately to each portion of the ________?
Parallel installation
Conductors installed in _______ ________ run underground shall be permitted to be arranged as isolated phase, neutrals and grounded conductor installations
Nonmetallic raceways
Where an auxiliary gutter runs between a _____________ and a _______, and the pull box includes neutral terminations, the neutral conductors of circuit supplied from the panelboard shall be permitted to originate in the pull box.
Column-width Panelboard, Pull Box
Conductors of Different Systems
All conductors shall have an insulation rating equal to atleast __________ circuit voltage applied to any conductor within an enclosure, cable or raceway.
the maximum
Secondary winding to electric disharge lamps of ___________, if insulated for _________ involved, shall be permiitted to occupy the same luminaire, sogns, or outline lighting as the _________.
1000 volts or less
Secondary voltage
Branch-circuit conductors
________ _________ of electric discharge lamp ballasts insulated for the primary voltage of the ballast where contained within an _________ wiring enclosure ahall be permitted to occupy the same luminaire, signs or outline lighting enclosure as the branch circuiy conductors.
Primary leads
Excitation, control, relay and ammeter conductors used in connection with any individual motor or starter shall be permitted to occupy the same enclosure as the same __________ ________, ___________ ,________
Motor-circuit switchgear
Switch boards
In motors, trabsformers, control assemblies and similar equipment, conductors of ________ ________ __________ shall be permiitted
Different voltage ratings
Conductors shall not occupy the same enclosure, cable or raceway if:?
They have nonshielded insulation and operating at different voltage levels
Flexible metal conduits shall be permitted in lengths not exceeding ____________.
1.2m or 4ft.
Conductors shall not be bent less than ______times the overall diameter for nonshielded conductors and not less than _____times the overall diameter for shielded or lead-covered conductors.
For multiconductor or multiplexed single conductor, minimum bending radius of ______ times the diameter of individual shielded conductors and _______ times the overall diameter.
Adjustment Factors for more than three current carrying conductors
No. of conductors: 4-6
Percent of Values;
Adjustment Factors for More Than Three current- carrying conductors
No. of conductors; 7-9
Percent of Values;
Adjustment Factors for More Than Three Current- carrying Conductors
No. of conductors: 4-
Percent of Values; 50
Adjustment Factors for More Than Three Current- carrying Conductors
No. of conductors: 4-
Percent of Values; 35
Over 41
Adjustment Factors for More Than Three Current- carrying Conductors
No. of conductors: 21-30
Percent of Values;
Adjustment Factors for More Than Three Current- carrying Conductors
No. of conductors: 4-
Percent of Values; 40
In both exposed and concealed loacations, where a cable or raceway-type wiring method is installed through bored holes in joists, rafters, or wood members, holes shall be bored so that the edge of the hole is ______________ from the nearest edge of the wood member. Where this distance cannot be maintained, the cable or raceway shall be protected from penetration by screws or nails by a steelplate or bushing is __________ thick and of appropriate length and width installed to cover the area of the wiring.
Not less than 32mm/at least 3.2mm
At least 1.6mm
General Requirements for Conductors ( EXCEPTION)
_______ ________ shall not be required to protect rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit , rigid nonmetal conduit or electrical metallic tubing.
Steel plates
General Requirements for Conductors
A listed and marked ______ ______ less than _____ thick that provides ______ ___ _______ protection against nail or screw penetration shall be permitted.
Steel plate
Equal or better
General Requirements for Conductors
For __________ work in finished buildings, or finished panels for prefabricated buildings where such supporting is _________ it shall be permissible to fish the cables between _______ _______
Access points
Cables, Raceways or Boxes Installed in or Under Roof Decking.
Installed in exposed or concealed locations under metal-corrugated sheet roof decking, shall be installed and supported so there is not less than ________ measured from the lowest surface of roof decking to the top of the cable, raceway or box.
A cable, raceway or box shall not be installed in ________ _________ in metal-corrugated, sheet decking-type roof.
Concealed locations
Insulated Fittings
Where raceways contain _________ insulated circuit conductors, and these conductors enter a cabinet, a box, an enclosure, or a raceway, the conductors shall be protected by an identified fitting providing a smoothly rounded insulating surface, unless the conductors are separated from the fitting or raceway by identified insulating material that is securely fastened in place.
22m squared or larger
________ _______ shall not be reqd to have protective coatings.
Stainless steel
Where protected from corrosion solely by ______, ferrous metal raceways, cable trays, cablebus, auxiliary gutters, cable armor, boxes, cable sheathing, cabinets, metal elbows, couplings, nipples, fittings, supports and support hardware shall not be used ___________ or in ____ ________
Outdoors or in wet locations
Where boxes or cabinets have an approved system of ________ ______and are marked _______, ________ or ______ ______ they shall be permitted outdoors.
Organic coatings
Outdoor Type
Ferrous metal raceways, cable armor, boxes, cable sheathing, cabinets, elbows, couplings, nipples, fittings, support and support hardware shall be permitted to be installed in __________ or in __________ _____ with the earth or in areas subject to severe corrosive influences where made of material approved for the condition or where provided with corrosion protection approved for the condition.
Direct contact
Aluminum Metal Equipment.
Embedded or encased in concrete or in direct cobtact with the earth shall be provided with __________.
Supplementary corrosive protection
Nonmetallic Equipment
Shall be made of material approved for the condition and shall comply with
(1)Exposed to sunlight. Where to exposed to sunlight, shall be listed as _______ _______ or shall be identified as _____ _______
Sunlight resistant
Sunlight resistant
(2) Where subject to exposure to ______ solvents, vapors, splashing, or immersion, materias or coatings shall either be inherently resistant to _______ based on their listings or be indentified for the specfic ______ _______
Chemical reagent
Indoor Wet Locations. The entire wiring system, where installed _______ , including all boxes, fittings, raceways and cable used therewith, shall be mounted so that there is at least ________ ______between it and the wall or supporting surface.
6mm airspace
Indoor Wet Locations (EXCEPTION)
________ raceways, boxes, and fittings shall be permitted to be installed without the airspace on a concrete, masonry, tile or similar surface.
Where portions of a raceway or sleeve are known to be subjected to __________ _________ and where __________ is known to be a problem, as in cold storage areas of buildings or where passing from the interior to the exterior of a building, the raceway or sleeve shall be filled with an approved material to prevent _________ ____ ______ _____ __ ______ ________raceway or sleeve.
Different temperatures
The circulation of warm air to colder section
An ________ ________ shall not be reqd for raceways exposed to different temperatures
Explosionproof seal
Raceways shall be provided with expansion, expansion-deflection, deflection fittings where necessary to compensate for ______ _______,_________ and ______.
Thermal expansion
Short sections of raceways used to provide support or protection of cable assemblies from physixal damage shall not be required to be made _______ ________.
Electrically continuous
Equipment enclosures to be isolated, shall not be required to be ________ _______ to the metal raceway.
Metallically joined
_______ shall be conspicuously posted at points of access to conductors in all conduit systems and cable systems.
Warning signs
True or False: Round boxes shall not be used where conduits or connectors requiring the use of locknuts or bushings are to be connected to the side of the box.
In the volume allowance required per conductor, a conductor of a size 3.5 mm2 has a free space within box of about ___.
36 cubic centimeter