Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is culture?
A sum of the beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions, and artifacts that characterize a population.
What is ethnocentricity?
The belief that ones culture is superior to other cultures.
What are aesthetics?
A culture’s sense of beauty and good taste.
In what mediums is culture manifested?
Language, aesthetics, and religion
What is Edward Hall’s framework for analyzing culture?
It is a juxtaposition between high context (polychronic) cultures that focus on context within multiple timelines and low context (monochronic) cultures that are more linear and sequential.
What is Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck’s cultural orientation framework?
It is the consideration of five concepts: relationships to nature, relationships with other individuals, evaluation of human nature, relationship with time, and orientation for human activity,
What is Greer Hofstede’s six dimensions?
- individualism vs. collectivism
- power distance
- uncertainty avoidance
- masculinity vs. femininity
- indulgent vs. restraint
- pragmatic vs. normative
What are Fons Trompenaar’s seven dimensions?
- universalism vs. particularism
- individualism vs. communitarianism
- neutral vs. affective
- specific vs. diffuse
- achievement vs. ascription
- achievement vs. ascription
- attitudes toward time
- internal vs. external direction