Chapter 3 Flashcards
efficient breach
A deliberate violation of a contract or government statute owing to the belief that it is more economically efficient to violate the legal rule than to comply with it
In legal sociology, a self-contained system within the broader social system that possesses its own rules, norms, and modes of communication . Examples include economic and market; legal; political; social, cultural, and religious; and ecological/environmental subsystems
Discussion between two or more people aimed at reaching an agreement
civil litigation
The processes involved with lawsuits filed in court not involving criminal law statutes, such as legal actions for breach of contract or torts
workplace norms
Norms or expectations that arise in a workplace as a result of past practices or relationships that can influence behaviour at work, even though they are not codified in contracts or statutes
labour arbitrator
An individual or three-person expert arbitration panel appointed to decide disputes over the application and interpretation of collective agreements
interest arbitrator:
An individual or three-person expert arbitration board tasked with writing the terms of a collective agreement when the union and employer are unable to reach agreement through voluntary collective bargaining
labour injunction
An order issued by a judge that prohibits or restricts a union and unionized workers from engaging in some type of collective action, such as a strike or picketing
feedback loop
An explanatory device that demonstrates how outcomes produced by a system (e . g . , legal rules produced by a legal system) can influence other systems (e . g . , the economic system) and also “feed back” into the original system as information in a process of perpetual learning, experience, and change
Nine-Hour Movement:
A social movement peaking in the early 1870s seeking a legislated maximum nine-hour workday
spillover effect
The effects that collective agreement settlements bargained by unions and employers have on individual employment contracts in non-union workplaces
union avoidance
A management strategy designed to reduce the risks that employees will join unions
free trade
A term used to describe a trade law policy characterized by low or zero trade tariffs and low or zero quotas on the amount of goods that flow between national borders