chapter 3 Flashcards
Name the (3) gyroscopic flight instruments.
- The attitude indicator (AI)
- The heading indicator (HI)
- The turn coordinator (or turn-and-slip indicator).
Name the (3) pitot-static flight instruments.
- The airspeed indicator (ASI)
- The altimeter
- The Vertical speed indicator (VSI)
What test should be made on electrical gyro instruments prior to starting an engine?
You should turn on the electrical power and listen for any unusual or irregular mechanical noise.
What does the pretakeoff check of the attitude indicator include?
Checking that the horizon bar erects and becomes stable within 5 minutes
Acceleration and deceleration forces induce what sort of small errors in the attitude indicator?
Pitch errors
Does the attitude indicator provide a direct or an indirect picture of pitch attitude and bank angle?
A direct picture
When an airplane accelerates or decelerates quickly, some altitude indicators will precess. What will be incorrectly indicated?
During accelerations, especially take off, there is a false climb indication; and during decelerations, a false decent indication.
If the position of the miniature airplane requires adjustment during flight, when is this best done?
When flying straight and level at a steady speed.
The greatest errors in an attitude indicator occur following a turn of how many degrees?
The greatest errors in an AI occur following a 180 degree turn.
How would a failure of the power supply to an electrically driven AI be indicated?
It would probably be immediately indicated by red warning flag.
What instrument should you check if the indications of a vacuum- driven AI seem erratic and not consistent with the indications of other flight instruments?
The suction (vacuum) gauge.
Why are the FMAs (Flight mode annunciators) so important?
They indicate what mode the flight director and/ or the autopilot is in, and therefore what guidance is being provided to both units.
What power indicators will an airplane fitted with constant speed propellers have?
A tachometer and a manifold pressure gauge for each engine.
How will the ASI be affected if the pitot tube ices over?
There are 2 different pitot blockages that affect airspeed indications: (1) if only the pitot is blocked the airspeed indication will go to zero; (2) if the pitot inlet and the drain holes are both blocked, the airspeed indication will increase in a climb, and decrease in a decent and have no change in level flight.
How will the ASI be affected if the static line becomes blocked?
A blocked static port causes the airspeed indications to be opposite that of the totally blocked pitot tube. With blocked static ports, airspeed decreases in climb and increases in a descent, and has no change in level flight.
In what specific atmospheric condition will the indicated airspeed on the ASI be numerically equal to the true airspeed?
under standard MSL conditions
How does air density change with altitude?
Air density decreases with altitude
Which is more dense: warm or cold air?
cold air is more dense than hot air
What is the effect on TAS if an airplane flies into a parcel of warmer air?
TAS increases when flying into warmer air
What is the purpose of the amber arc on the ASI?
The amber arc is there as a caution to pilots that in this airspeed range turbulent air could overstress the aircraft. It begins with Vno, Maximum structural cruising speed.
What speed does the red radial line on an ASI indicate?
never exceed speed
What is the indicated airspeed corrected for position error called?
calibrated speed
What does the heading indicator need to be aligned with to read accurately?
the magnetic compass
If an airplane turns to the right, will its heading increase or decrease?
Its heading will increase
What pretakeoff check should be made of a vacuum-driven heading indicator in preparation for an IFR flight?
Approximately 5 mins after engine start (allowing the gyroscope sufficient time to spin up), set the indicator to the magnetic heading of the aircraft and check for proper alignment after taxi turns.
What is the magnetic sensor for a remote indicating compass known as?
A magnetic fluxvalve
What mode should the remote indicating compass normally operate in?
the slaved mode
What does the right deflection in the slaving meter indicate? What correction is required?
This indicates that the compass card has rotated too far to the right. A counterclockwise correction is required.
The heading on the remote indicating compass is 5 degrees to the left of that desired. What should you do to move the desired heading under the heading reference ?
You should slew the counterclockwise heading drive button
What is a horizontal situation indicator and what additional components does it include beyond a heading indication?
A HSI is a slaved HI with superimposed VOR and ILS navigation indications
How will the altimeter be affected if the static line becomes blocked?
The altimeter indication would freeze at the altitude where the static port became blocked.
What is the standard MSL pressure (in Hg and hectopascals) ?
29.92 in. Hg
For every 1,000 feet of altitude gained, atmospheric pressure decreases by approximately how much (in Hg) ?
By approximately 1 in. Hg for every 1,000 feet gained in altitude.
What is the correct procedure to check the altimeter to check the altimeter prior to an IFR flight?
Set the pressure window (known as the Kollsman window or altimeter subscale) to the current local altimeter setting and check that it is within +/- 75 feet of the actual elevation for acceptable accuracy.
IF 30.10 in. Hg is set in the pressure window, what will the altimeter indicate?
The altitude of the airplane above 30.10 in Hg pressure level
If the current altimeter setting is set in the pressure window, what will the altimeter indicate?
The altitude of the aircraft above mean sea level
If the current airport altimeter setting is set in the kollsman window, what will the altimeter indicate when the airplane is on the runway?
field elevation
Is field elevation the true altitude or the pressure altitude of the airport above sea level?
the true altitude
True or False: The local altimeter setting should be used by all pilots below 18,000 feet MSL.
You are departing an airport where you cannot obtain an altimeter setting. You should:
a. set 29.92 in. Hg in the pressure window of the altimeter.
b. set the altimeter to be read field elevation
c. set the altimeter to read zero
b set the altimeter to be read field elevation
What sort of altitude will the altimeter read if 29.92 in. Hg is set in the pressure window?
Pressure altitude
How can you determine the approximate local altimeter setting at an airport without a tower or flight service station?
While on the ground, set the field elevation in the altimeter and read the local altimeter setting in the pressure window
How does a pilot normally obtain the current altimeter setting during an IFR flight in controlled airspace below 18,000 feet?
ATC periodically advises the pilot of the current altimeter setting
If for some reason ( say to compute a precise TAS) you want to determine the pressure altitude when you are cruising below 18,000 feet, what should you set in the pressure window?
You should set 29.92 in. Hg in the pressure window.
The current altimeter setting is 30.42 in. Hg. If an airplane is cruising at an altitude of 6,500 feet MSL, what is its approximate pressure altitude?
6,000 feet
When cruising above 18,000 feet in the United States, what should the pilot set in the window of the altimeter?
29.92 in. Hg
Describe the procedure when departing an airport where the altimeter setting is 29.40 in. Hg, and you are climbing to maintain FL210.
Set local altimeter setting of 29.40 in. Hg in the pressure window of the altimeter prior to takeoff. Leave is set for climbout until passing through 18,000 feet, when 29.92 in Hg should be set in preparation for cruise level FL210 ( pressure altitude 21,000 feet).
On decent from FL290 prior to landing at an airport elevation 650 feet, ATC advises that the local altimeter setting is 30.37 in Hg. What is the FL290 cruise altimeter setting (in Hg)? What altimeter setting should be used for landing? What should the altimeter read on landing? If the pressure window of the altimeter is not reset from theFL290 cruise setting, what will the altimeter read on landing?
Cruise setting is 29.92 in Hg. For landing, 30.37 in Hg should be set. On landing, the altimeter should read 650 feet. If not reset, the altimeter will read 200 feet.
What specific atmospheric condition is required for the pressure altitude to be equal to the true altitude?
standard atmospheric conditions must exist
Under what conditions are pressure altitude and density altitude the same value?
At standard temperature
Under what conditions will true altitude be lower than indicated altitude if the altimeter setting is 29.92?
In colder than standard temperature
Under what conditions will true altitude be higher than indicated altitude?
In warmer than standard temperature
If you change the setting in the pressure window from 30.11 to 29.96, how many feet will the indicated altitude decrease by?
150 feet
Under what conditions will the altimeter indicate a lower altitude than actually flown (true altitude)?
when the air temperature is higher than standard
If the outside air temperature increases during a flight at constant power and at constant indicated altitude , how will this affect the true altitude?
The true altitude will increase
How often must the altimeter and static system be checked, as required by the FAA, in order to be suitable for IFR flight?
Every 24 calendar months
What does an encoding altimeter send electronic altitude information to?
A static pressure system and altimeter test is conducted by September 3, 2003, and they are found to comply with FAA standards. When is this test valid until?
September 30th, 2012
Will the VSI be affected if the static line becomes blocked?
How does the VSI function?
by using a metered leak of the static pressure
During which instrument maneuvers does the pilot make best use of the VSI?
What position should the wings of the turn coordinator be in prior to start-up?
Which of the following does the turn coordinator indicate?
a. rate of roll while altering bank angle, and rate of turn
b. rate of turn only
c. rate of roll only
d,. pitch attitude and bank angle
a. rate of roll while altering bank angle, and rate of turn
What sort of indication of the bank angle does the model airplane of the turn coordinator give?
an indirect indication of bank angle, in that it indicates the direction of turn, but not the bank angle.
During a coordinated turn, what effect will an increase bank angle have on the displacement of a turn coordinator?
The displacement of a turn coordinator will increase.
A turn coordinator with a “ 2min” marking indicates standard-rate turns of how many degrees per second? Using this indication, how long should a full 360 degree turn take?
a turn coordinator with a 2min marking indicates standard rate turns of 3 degrees per second. Using this indication, a full 360 degree turn should take 2 mins.
What checks of the turn indicator should be undertaken prior to engine start?
Prior to starting the engine, you should determine if the turn needle is centered and inclinometer tube is full of fluid.
What checks of the turn indicator should be undertaken during taxiing prior to flight?
To check the turn and slip indicator during taxiing prior to flight, you should turn the airplane and note that the turn needle deflects in the direction of the turn and the ball deflects in the direction opposite the turn.
As you roll into a standard- rate turn to the right from an easterly heading in the northern hemisphere, the magnetic compass will indicate:
a. a turn to the right, but at a slower rate than is actually occurring
b. a turn to the left initially
c. due east for a short time, then it will gradually catch up with the aircraft heading.
d. the approximately correct magnetic heading if the roll into the turn is smooth.
d. the approximately correct magnetic heading if the roll into the turn is smooth.
During a 360 degree level turn with a 15 degree bank angle, a magnetic compass will read most accurately as the aircraft passes through which magnetic headings?
090 degree and 270 degree
In level flight, it becomes necessary to use an alternate source of static pressure that is vented inside the airplane. How will this alternate static pressure compare to the normal static pressure measured outside the airplane?
This alternate static pressure will be lower than the normal static pressure measured outside the airplane.
Assume it has become necessary to use the alternate source of static pressure, vented to the inside of the cabin. State how the alternate static pressure affects the following instruments:
a. Airspeed indicator reads_________.
b. Altimeter reads___________.
c. Vertical speed indicator reads______.
a. airspeed indicator reads slightly high
b. altimeter reads slightly high
c. Vertical speed indicator initially shows a climb, then will respond as expected
You check the flight instruments while taxiing and find that the VSI indicates a descent of 100 fpm. Must this be rectified prior to flight?
no, treat the 100 fpm decent as the zero indication on the VSI
The PFD contains which instruments from the traditional “6-Pack “ display?
All of them; airspeed, attitude, altitude, compass, vertical speed, and turn and slip indicator
Some PFDs also display what additional instruments besides the 6-pack instruments?
Power indication, course deviation information, and autopilot or flight director indications.
Besides the PFD, what is the other most common electrical instruments?
The multi-function display (MFD)
What information is displayed on the MFD?
Detailed engine, fuel supply, and other systems performance; detailed navigation performance, including aircraft position and flight plans; check lists; and on some MFDs, external information such as weather, hazardous terrain, and detailed airport information.
What is the generic name given to both the PFD and MFD?
Electronic flight information system (EFIS)
On the PFD, where are the following instruments located relative to the airplane symbol?
a. altimeter
b. airspeed indicator
c. gyro compass
d. vertical speed indicator
e. rate-of-turn indicator
f. yaw/slip indicator
a. altimeter is right of the airplane
b. airspeed indicator is left of the airplane symbol
c. gyro compass is directly below the attitude indicator
d. VSI is located to the right of the altimeter
e. Rate of turn indicator is at the top on the compass
f. Yaw/slip indicator is at the top of the attitude indicator, being built into the bank indicator arrow.
Name three feature that the airspeed indicator and altimeter share in common.
- both have digital readout and a vertical, analog scale
- both have trend arrows that show the expected airspeed or altitude in about 6 seconds(systems vary)
- both have “bugs” that can be set to current or target values, ie., desired airspeed or altitude
What feature has been added to the attitude indicator to assist in unusual attitude recovery?
In extreme attitude, many units now have large chevrons or arrows that point to the horizon.
What source do the “gyro” instruments in the EFIS-equipped aircraft get their data from?
The AHRS, or attitude heading reference system.
What source do the “pitot-static” instruments in the EFIS aircraft get their information from?
The air data computer
How does the pilot know AHRS and/or the air data computer are working properly?
The large red “x” symbols in the normal location of the indicator convey missing or bad data, due to a problem with one of the computers.
What is the name given to the warm-up period for the AHRS?
What pilot action is forbidden during alignment?
taxiing or moving the aircraft during alignment process.
What is the purpose of steering bars on the attitude indicator?
They aid the pilot in precise maneuvering and maintaining heading and altitude.
Using a flight management computer for navigation provides three useful pieces of navigation information on the PFD and /or MFD that eliminate the need for a handheld calculator. Name them.
(1) actual winds and OAT
(2) true airspeed
(3) actual ground speed
What is the correct term for the course indicator located within the compass that has a selectable course arrow?
Horizontal situation indicator or HSI
How does the pilot know which navigation source is represented on the HSI?
the source is either annunciated above the attitude indicator or is depicted by the color of the course arrow and the CDI, or both.
When might a pilot use the bug on the VSI?
When performing a constant rate climb or decent.
True or False: Most EFIS systems present enough information so that the pilot hardly needs to look outside the aircraft.
False. Do not get distracted from flying by the technology.
Where can a pilot find detailed information about the EFIS aboard the aircraft?
In the avionics section (or avionics supplement) to the
POH that must be carried aboard the aircraft.
What is the ratio of the true airspeed to the speed of sound called?
The mach number
How can you determine the approximate pressure altitude at an airport without a tower or flight service station?
set 29.92 in. Hg in the pressure window and read pressure altitude off the altimeter