Chapter 3 Flashcards
Sarah Josepha Hale
Catherine Beecher
Lilly Martin Spencer
Lucy Larcom
A young factory worker who went on strike in Lowell for their pay
Harriet Hanson
Charlotte Forten Grimké
Margaret Garner
Mary Boykin Chesnut
Sally Hemings
Harriet Jacobs
Francis Cabot Lowell*
Separate Spheres
Second Great Awakening*
Factory type work done in the home
Charitable organizations that sought to protect young working girls from the threat of poverty
Female benevolent societies
Abroad marriages
Society for the Relief of Poor Widows
Established in 1799 in NYC to help widows
Reasons for the declining birthrate among American-born women in the early 19th century (3)
Reason why women’s household chores were not considered to be “work”
Main reason why early factories employed mostly young, single women
Conditions faced by workers in early-19th century factories (4)
- 13 hours
- 6 days a week
- $1.50- $2.00 per week
- No benefits
Reason why primary-school teaching became an overwhelmingly female occupation
Society’s opinion of women concerning religion and sex
Way in which marriage was seen as a partnership, despite women’s fewer rights
First workers to demand a reduced (ten-hour) workday
Conditions faced by poor women in cities (3)
- Begging for money/coal
- Living in small, dirty, crowded apartments
- Carry Water and coal upstairs
Main jobs open to poor immigrant women (2)
- Factory
2. Domestics
Reason why southern women had even less free time than northerners, despite slavery
Result of the lack of outside activities for southern women
Percentage of female slaves who worked as domestics
Reaction of slave owners’ wives to their husbands’ sexual exploitation of female slaves
They would be angry at the slave because they cannot say anything to the husband