Chapter 3&4 Flashcards
Curriculum standards help teachers plan instruction and assess learning and consist of three components:
(1) content standards that determine what students should know
(2) benchmarks that specify expected knowledge and skills
(3) performance-based progress indicators that describe how students will show they have met a standard.
Standard based and differentiated instruction
focuses on high expectations for all students while encouraging instruction to meet individual student needs.
-Professional organizations (e.g., WIDA, TESOL) have developed ELD standards and provide alignment with curriculum standards.
Differentiated instruction is when instruction is tailored according to students’ ELD (english level development) level.
-aims to acknowledge, accommodate, and build upon a wide array of student traits to facilitate optimal growth for all for all students.
Professional Organizations that align with curriculum standards
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International Organization
- Explore resources for connecting with other teachers, attending conferences, accessing useful publications, publishing your own work, and advancing the field of multilingual learner education.
World Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
-A federally funded association that has developed excellent resources for multilingual learner education, pre-K through grade 12.
-Find resources on standards and instruction, assessment, professional learning, and more that include Spanish and English versions.
International Literacy Association (ILA)
-nonprofit professional organization dedicated to literacy worldwide
-access books and journals, resources, external links, and community resources.
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
-professional organization for educators of English studies, literacy, and language arts.
Sheltered instruction
“specially designed academic instruction in English” (SDAIE), is a form of content-based instruction that helps multilingual learners understand and learn academic content while acquiring English.
Social and affective adjustment
an important piece of effective sheltered multilingual learner instruction.
It is important to establish positive relationships to form a community of learners and to promote social development and self-esteem among your students.
Planning for differentiation addresses four questions:
What, who, how, and how well.
The process includes content you will teach (what); your students and their characteristics (who); instructional strategies, groupings, and materials with modifications for ELP (english language profienceny) levels (how); and performance expectations and assessment procedures (how well).
Response to Intervention (RTI)
schoolwide program that offers extra support and instruction to students who are not yet meeting curriculum goals and standards and addresses two main goals: (1) identify and provide early systematic assistance and (2) identify students with learning disabilities. RTI consists of three tiers of instruction.
Techniques used to facilitate multilingual learner comprehension, participation, and learning:
Visual aids, modeling, demonstrations, graphic organizers, vocabulary previews, predictions, adapted texts, cooperative learning, peer tutoring, and multicultural content.
Important elements of sheltered instruction/SDAIE
Collaborative group work consequently provides opportunities for both social and academic language development.
Cooperative learning is an instructional organization strategy in which students work together in intentionally established heterogeneous small groups to achieve academic and social learning goals.
Collaborative group work and learning
Cooperative learning is an instructional organization strategy in which students work together in intentionally established heterogeneous small groups to achieve academic and social learning goals
provides opportunities for both social and academic language development.
Systematic procedures to gather, analyze, and interpret information on student learning, achievement, or development.
Assessment serves three important purposes for multilingual learners:
1) student identification and placement in language support services, (2) program evaluation, and (3) documentation of student learning and progress.
Different forms of assessment
Formal assessment measures include group-administered standardized tests and individually administered tests, such as those used to identify special learning needs.
Informal assessment measures are generally based on student work samples and student interactions during naturally occurring classroom situations.
Performance assessments combine some features of both formal and informal assessment and involve the direct observation and measurement of a desired behavior.
Principles of effective classroom-based assessment include
(1) observing authentic tasks; (2) assessment linked to learning standards, goals, and curriculum; (3) a variety of assessment samples; (4) assessment over time; (5) accommodation of student diversity; (6) opportunities for students’ self-evaluation; and (7) alignment with current research and theory.
New literacies refer to
skills and requirements for accessing and making good use of the Internet and other new technologies