Chapter 3 Flashcards
Which is true regarding babbling infants?
Children babble regardless of ability to hear
Senescence refers to
The biological change of an organism as it ages after achieving maturity
To test whether any event has acquired the concept of object performance what would Piaget examined?
Whether the event searches for the object after it has been covered up
Which of Erikson’s stages of development is most relevant to adolescence?
Identity versus role confusion
A spasm in the vocal apparatus associated with speaking is best defined as?
The ability to reason abstractly is associated with
The formal operational stage
The ____ genetic combination results in the development of a male fetus
Dyslexia is least associated with
Female gender
Infants with the difficult temperament
All of the above
According to Erikson. The principal conflict of middle adulthood is
Generativity verses stagnation
What kind of behaviors does Kohlburg score to measure a person’s level of moral reasoning?
The reasons that people give for their answers to moral dilemmas
Teratogens include but are not limited to
Drugs, chemical and viruses
People who tend to stutter are least likely to stutter when they are
Developmental dyslexia is best defined as
Failure to achieve age typical reading skills
Which of the following is most strongly associated with the embryonic period?
Who is most likely to exhibit an authoritative parenting style?
Dan, who enjoy spending time with his daughter but enforces appropriate rules
Who was most strongly associated with the term scaffolding?
The XX Genetic combination of the ____ chromosome pairs results and the development of a female fetus
Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development contains ____ stages.
According to Kohlberg, The concept of right and wrong, obedience and rolls are the most relevant to the _____ level of moral development
The basic emotional pattern of an infant displays early in the development known as
On average children usually produce their first one word utterances sometime around the age of
12 months
Cognition is composed of
All of the above
To desire to contribute to society and to help the next generation is called
Which of the following is not true regarding attachment?
The greater the number of individuals caring for an infant, the stronger the infant attachment
The ability to form mature and loving relationships is best defined as
According to Erikson the main concern of a newborn infant is
Forming a trusting attachment
Accommodation can be best defined as
The process of altering someone’s classification system in order to create a new schema in order to better fit their experiences in the world
They second-period of prenatal development about 2 to 9 weeks after conception is known as
The embryonic stage
According to Kohlberg someone who operates at the lowest level of moral reasoning would probably agree with which of the following statements
If I get rewarded then I was good, if I get punished then I was bad
The idea that learning is not passive but not involves an attempt to understand the world around them is most firmly associated with the work of
Which of the following is true regarding attachment?
Attachment is affected by emotional and physical caretaking
The process of observing experiences from whence world around them and translating this experience into pre-existing schema is known as
Human prenatal development is divided into how many periods?