Chapter 3 Flashcards
What kind of notice must the tenant provide the landlord to get a water heater replaced
Certified mail
If a person filed for and received a water right to use water from a navigable river, the water right is a unique form of
Personal property
What’s required before a wall can be drilled
A drilling permit
Personal property is transferred with what type of instrument
Bill of sale
Once a positive field examination for a water rate has been conducted within the proof time. A municipality would be issued a.
Using land of another without permission for prescribed period of time
Easement by prescription
A right that runs with the land from the servient estate to the dominant estate
Easement appurtenance
How much notice to a tenant is required to increase utilities in a mobile home park
90 days
LOT rent for a manufactured home is required to be
In writing
After a tenant surrender premises, security deposit refund must be made within
30 days
A license to access property for a specific period of time
Is a temporary use
Right of a person or corporation to use land owned by another for a specific purpose
Easement in gross?
A right granted by law where there is no access to a person’s land
Easement by necessity
How much advance notice must a landlord of a mobile home park give to the tenant to not renew a lot lease prior to expiration
Not less than 180 days
How much advance notice to terminate a month-to-month tenancy is required
Not less than one month
If my landlord plans to increase the rent on a month-to-month rental, how much notice must be given
At least 15 days notice
Given proper notice, how long does a landlord have to resolve a violation?
Three days
A verbal release for more than one year is
An owner moves from one permanent residence to another. What must the owner do to receive a Homestead protection
File for abandonment and file a new declaration for Homestead for the new location
To qualify for a homestead protection in Idaho, the property must be occupied for a continuous period of:
At least six months out of the year
The maximum net value of the dwelling for a homestead protection is
Homestead protection, protects the home or property from what
Unsecured creditors
Who can legally drill a water well
Licensed well driller
If there isn’t enough water to satisfy all the water rights who gets the water
Senior water rights holder
Unless you cleared as real property manufactured home ownership will be transferred with
Certificate of title
Who has the authority to appropriate ground water recharge?
Idaho Department of water resources
Who is required to notify the Idaho Department of water resources to abandon a water well
Licensed well driller
A holder of a water Wright can lose a water right if not put to beneficial use for what period of time
Five years
Daily use of domestic water is not to exceed how many gallons per day
13,000 gallons
Domestic water usage for land irrigation is limited to
Half an acre
Who owns the water in Idaho?
The State of Idaho
An example of chattel is?
A stand of trees